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list of parts I need to build a MegaDrum-module

PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 5:46 pm
by julegerv
Hi there,

this is Julius from germany.
I ordered a Minimal kit from Dmitri and I'm looking foreward to receiving it.
My plan was to order all the needed parts from either or I thought, I could identify those parts from looking at the full kit's picture. Now, the problem is that I'm not used to the specific names and terms of the parts which makes that a bit hard (because I don't even know what exactly I'm searching for)... So my question to you guys is: Is there a list of the names of the parts I need or is there someone who can tell me those?

Thanks a lot, Julius

Re: list of parts I need to build a MegaDrum-module

PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 7:29 pm
by chrishopf
Hi Julius,

I have got also a minimal kit 18 months ago. I don't have the bill of material any more. The M
most I ordered from Reichelt, much cheaper than Conrad. Some tranlations following:
Ribbon cable = Flachbandkabel Raster1,27mm
Die passenden Stecker dafür= Pfostensteckverbinder
Midistecker= DIN Buchse 5-pol
Für die einreihigen Stecker benötigst Du Buchsenleisten einreihig Raster 1,27mm
Mini power switch = Miniatur Kippschalter
Die Taster sind Geschmacksache
My display is from Pollin, but from Reichelt you will get for the displays passende Einbaurahmen
Encoder = Bitgenerator, Inkrementalgeber, Drehimpulsgeber mit Taster

Any more questions?
You are welcome, send me a PM writing in German is is more efficient for us.


Re: list of parts I need to build a MegaDrum-module

PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2013 11:36 am
by julegerv
Thanks A LOT, Christian!
I'll send you a PM if needed.

Grüße! :)