pcy135 hihat setup with variable controller

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pcy135 hihat setup with variable controller

Postby shuey79 » Fri May 31, 2013 5:26 pm

I'm having a lot of trouble understanding how to set my hihat up. My system is: megadrum, superior drummer 2.0, yamaha pcy135, and a diy variable controller, mac.
After initially plugging the hihat and controller in and dialing in the low and high level I was able to get the variable sound of the hihat opening and closing but I'm not getting any bell or edge noises or fluctuations in those sounds.
I built my drum set and think I have a pretty good understanding of how the pads and the settings work in megadrum but I am absolutely clueless on how the controller and the hihat work with the settings in megadrum and superior drummer. I've been doing plenty of searching and reading other peoples suggestions (and even superiors manual) then trying those suggestions out but I'm not getting anywhere. As a result I'm getting very frustrated. Can someone please help me.
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Re: pcy135 hihat setup with variable controller

Postby dmitri » Fri May 31, 2013 6:31 pm

I'm not the person to help you with configuring Superior Drummer but before you do this you have to configure MegaDrum first.
Did you configure your PCY135 as advised in http://www.megadrum.info/content/settin ... one-cymbal ?
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Re: pcy135 hihat setup with variable controller

Postby shuey79 » Fri May 31, 2013 6:45 pm

I haven't. I'll do this once I get home. While searching I did see that page but thought it was for using the cymbal as a crash or ride. I'll report back with my findings. Thanks
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Re: pcy135 hihat setup with variable controller

Postby ibanman555 » Fri May 31, 2013 7:20 pm

Using Megadrum Manager, set up your Hi Hat Pedal settings as such...





These are my settings using a Roland VH-12 and Superior Drummer 2. These will translate to any kit you use in that program. However, you may need to fine tune your settings for your specific Hi Hat setup. The most important part here is setting these specific MIDI Note #'s for SD2. I was running circles trying to figure out what the manual "really" wanted me to do.

Hopefully this will get you in the ballpark...
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Re: pcy135 hihat setup with variable controller

Postby shuey79 » Fri May 31, 2013 7:30 pm

oh nice!! Thats one thing I need to install-- Megadrum Manager. I've been doing it using the buttons on the megadrum. My controller based on the vh-12 controller but is using the hall sensor. I'll be busy tonight! Thanks guys!!!
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Re: pcy135 hihat setup with variable controller

Postby ibanman555 » Fri May 31, 2013 8:01 pm

Great! You can still do it directly from MegaDrum, but it's a slow process that way. Either way works. Good Luck and let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.
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Re: pcy135 hihat setup with variable controller

Postby shuey79 » Sun Jun 02, 2013 3:09 am

I was able to fool with it a little today before having to go out. I notice while setting my settings to match yours that the midi notes are off. Like this for all notes, but as an example a f#0 in megadrum is not that on superior drummer. I'm not around the drums now to say what it is in superior drummer so I'll get this tomorrow. Any ideas on why this is happening.

Another thing I noticed was when setting up the yamaha cymbal as dmitri instructed I wanted to set the bell sound in Bnote to g8 in SD (I think that was it) but in megadrum it only went up to g7. Perhaps my low and hi levels aren't set right and may be effecting what the notes are.. Not sure.
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Re: pcy135 hihat setup with variable controller

Postby angr77 » Sun Jun 02, 2013 10:31 am


One thing...one generic setting in Megadrum Manager is the note octave shift. You see that setting to the left in MDM. Most often this is set to 2.

I am a AD Pro...so i am not 100% sure about how things work in SD but...don't you select any kind of Midi mapping in SD before you start to map in MDM? In AD you need to select a MAP...like GM(general drum map), Td-12, TD-6 etc...

This is extremely important to know which map you are start working from...if you are not prepared to create one yourself from scratch in SD. Looking in AD these maps are complete different...not a single drumsound share it's midi note value. So if we recommend a note value like F6 in MDM...and you use a complete other map in SD...no luck!

Ibanman555, best friend...which map have you been using in SD?

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Re: pcy135 hihat setup with variable controller

Postby shuey79 » Mon Jun 03, 2013 2:07 am

I checked out the octave shift setting. Mine was set to 0 but when I set it to 1 everything seemed to be agreeing. By setting this I was also able to set my bell sound. I'm still having some issues with the settings but I'm gonna play with it a little to familiarize myself. I think I'm at a good place now that I can handle it myself. Thanks guys!
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