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optimal configuration megadrum vs sound card

PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 7:10 pm
by km500
I listed all devices

1. electronic drums
2. megadrums
3. external sound card
4. computer

how to connect these devices ?
a. midi – midi cabel ? (max 56 cables)
b. midi – midi cabel ? (1 cable)
c. line out jack – line in jack ? (1 cable)

Question 2
what possibilities offering these devices (usb, midi, fire wire) ?

Question 3
What solutions of connections are recommended from latency and sound point of view ?

Re: optimal configuration megadrum vs sound card

PostPosted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 9:31 am
by dmitri
km500 wrote:I listed all devices

1. electronic drums
2. megadrums
3. external sound card
4. computer

how to connect these devices ?
a. midi – midi cabel ? (max 56 cables)
b. midi – midi cabel ? (1 cable)
c. line out jack – line in jack ? (1 cable)

For "from electronic drums to MegaDrum" you can use any cable you like. Input jacks on MegaDum module built by me are standard 1/4" TRS jacks. On 56 inputs module built by me you can connect max 27 dual/triple zone pads/cymbals using stereo cables or 54 single zone pads/cymbals using Y-splitter cable.
From MegaDrum to a computer you can connect via either USB or standard MIDI.

Question 2
what possibilities offering these devices (usb, midi, fire wire) ?

Which devices?

Question 3
What solutions of connections are recommended from latency and sound point of view ?

For Windows, the main requirement for low latency is that a sound card has good quality ASIO 2 drivers.

Re: optimal configuration megadrum vs sound card

PostPosted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 7:25 pm
by km500
Question 2
what possibilities offering these devices (usb, midi, fire wire) ?

Which devices?

All of them

Eg. Some computers can be equipped with many different sockets: usb, midi, fire wire, optical.
If for example – sound card offering only usb and midi – it means that from all slots we can use only USB and MIDI.

If for example – megadrum offering only usb and midi – it means that from all slots we can use only USB and MIDI.

Lets have an example od SET 1:
electronic drums can offer different sockets: midi, fire wire, optical.
megadrums can offer different sockets: usb, midi
external sound card offer different sockets: usb, line in , line out
computer can offer different sockets: usb

So in that case we have no choice.
Only possible connections are:
electronic drums – MIDI – megadrums – USB - external sound card – USB - computer

Summary: this is NOT best connection from sound and latency point of view

Lets have an example od SET 2:
electronic drums can offer different sockets: midi, fire wire, optical.
megadrums can offer different sockets: usb, midi
external sound card offer different sockets: usb, midi
computer can offer different sockets: usb, midi

So in that case we have good choice.
possible connections are:
electronic drums – MIDI – megadrums – MIDI - external sound card – MIDI - computer

Summary: this is best connection from sound and latency point of view

Result: SET 2 is better. Recommendation: “ buing sound card take care about midi “

Is that true ? I don’t know. I am looking for the best configuration.
What devices should I buy ?
What sockets they should have ?

Re: optimal configuration megadrum vs sound card

PostPosted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 11:22 pm
by dmitri
Honestly, I have no idea what usb, midi, fire wire, line in and line out sockets you're talking about and how all of them are related to "electronic drums"(triggers?) and MegaDrum.

Re: optimal configuration megadrum vs sound card

PostPosted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 4:14 pm
by km500
After many hours spent on looking for optimal connection now I have all devices connected as follows:

Electronic drums – over 20 jack midi-midi cables – to Megadrum
Megadrum – 2 midi- midi cables - to external card (M-audio)
External card – 1 fire wire cable - to PC

I want to only redistribute that information for other future users.

Re: optimal configuration megadrum vs sound card

PostPosted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 8:39 pm
by Andrej
km500 wrote:Megadrum – 2 midi- midi cables - to external card (M-audio)
electronic drums – MIDI – megadrums – USB - external sound card – USB - computer

Why don't you just connect Megadrum to your PC using USB? And what exactly are "electronic drums"?
Sounds like you mean audio cable to connect a pad to Megadrum.

You probably don't want a MIDI cable at all.

Re: optimal configuration megadrum vs sound card

PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:18 am
by gonzoburns
Are there any (latency) advantages conneting the megadrum via midi directly to a soundcard instead of using USB via motherboard?
Or does this belong to the ASIO driver which way of connection is best supported?

Which features of the soundcard are a must have for low latency?

I think the quality of the sound belongs to used sound files and not to the soundcard, or are there any clues to get better sound because of a specifiy feature of a soundcard?