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metal switch (up/down) - right side
Sat Aug 24, 2013 4:16 pm
by km500
I am testing a megadrum.
From left side i have:
1. metal switch (up/down)
2. rotary switch
3. two micro buttons
4. rotary switch
5. metal switch (up/down)
I know all functions. But i dont know function of number 5. (5. metal switch (up/down))
number 1.metal switch (up/down) - is responsible for on / off.
What is a function of metal switch number 5 - written above.
Re: metal switch (up/down) - right side
Sat Aug 24, 2013 7:06 pm
by airflamesred
What is this metal switch of which you speak?
Re: metal switch (up/down) - right side
Sat Aug 24, 2013 7:52 pm
by angr77
I am guessing that this is the hihat switch for high/low impedance...
Re: metal switch (up/down) - right side
Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:27 am
by airflamesred
Yes, I believe you're right there Anders.
Re: metal switch (up/down) - right side
Thu Aug 29, 2013 4:22 pm
by km500
here you have a picture...
Re: metal switch (up/down) - right side
Thu Aug 29, 2013 6:22 pm
by dmitri
Where did you get the module? If you got it from me then when I posted it I provided you with a number of helpful links including this one -
viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1393 - where you can read the description of all the controls and jacks.
Re: metal switch (up/down) - right side
Sun Oct 20, 2013 8:11 am
by km500
Where did you get the module?
I bought from another person
If you got it from me then when I posted it I provided you with a number of helpful links including this one - viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1393 - where you can read the description of all the controls and jacks.
I check many post. I didn’t find what is a function this right metal switch (up/down)
3. How can I find what kind of atmega I have. As far as I know it is neccessary information to upgrade my firmware.
Re: metal switch (up/down) - right side
Sun Oct 20, 2013 10:01 am
by angr77
2. The right metal switch is for selecting high/low impedance on the hihat pedal. Using a Roland VH-11 will require high impendance...setting the switch in the upper position.
3. You can see the actual processor if you hook it up to MegaDrum Manager...i don't remember if you could see it in menus on the MD...probably...
Re: metal switch (up/down) - right side
Sun Oct 20, 2013 11:32 am
by dmitri
viewtopic.php?p=25024#p25024 about checking MCU type.
Re: metal switch (up/down) - right side
Wed Jan 08, 2014 8:30 pm
by km500
As I wrote I had some additional metal switch in my Megadrum. I have already got information what it is.
But my question is:
a. Which chapters between 3.1 and 3.17 from Manual refers to that switch ?
For everyone comfort, here you have full list of hi hat chapters:
3 HiHat Pedal settings
3.1 Set HiHat Pedal Type
Type: F.Contr
Type: Pot
3.2 Set HiHat Pedal Curve
Curve: Linear
3.3 Set HiHat Pedal Chick Delay
ChckDelay: 0
3.4 Set HiHat Pedal Impedance
AltIn: No
3.5 Set HiHat Pedal Control Change Value
CC Value: 4
3.6 Set HiHat Pedal Control Change Reduction Level
CC RdcLvl: 0
3.7 Reverse HiHat Pedal Levels
LvlsRevers: No
3.8 Enable HiHat Soft Chicks
EnSoftChick: No
3.9 HiHat Pedal Auto Adjust
LevelsAuto: Yes
3.10 Set HiHat Pedal Low Level
LowLevel: 90
3.11 Set HiHat Pedal High Level
HiLevel: 900
3.12 Set HiHat Pedal Open Levels
OpenLvl: 8
3.13 Set HiHat Pedal Closed Level
3.14 Set HiHat Pedal Short Chick Level
ShrtChckTh 115
3.15 Set HiHat Pedal Long Chick Level
LngChckTh: 16
3.16 Combine HiHat Pedal With HiHat Cymbal Input
HHInput: 2
3.17 HiHat Pedal Note Number Settings
BowSO: G1 44
BowHO: G1 44
BowSCL:G1 44
BowCL: G1 44
Chick: F#2 42
Splsh: A#2 46