Want to purchase a megadrum

Hi! just signed up to the forum and id like to purchase a 32 input megadrum with the positional sensing tech built in..im in the us on the west coast (washington state).
what forms of payment do you accept? only paypal? credit cards? can i send you a check? (would love to use amex)
how does the unit compare to say an alesis trigger i/o, other than the VERY obvious. i have a MAJOR issue right now with the trigger i/o RANDOMLY sending signal to my vsti. even with everything unplugged, it triggers randomly... no other device i have does this..i.e. keyboards usb connected OR power supplied..
ive troubleshot EVERYTHING, and came to the conlcusion it's the trigger i/o being lame hehe. bummer too because its ALMOST good enough for me (im getting 1.8 miliseconds latency on my system, which is outstanding)
im using hart cymbals too...how well do they work with the megadrum?
thanks for your time
bob k
p.s. ive sent multiple emails over the last three weeks with no response....
what forms of payment do you accept? only paypal? credit cards? can i send you a check? (would love to use amex)
how does the unit compare to say an alesis trigger i/o, other than the VERY obvious. i have a MAJOR issue right now with the trigger i/o RANDOMLY sending signal to my vsti. even with everything unplugged, it triggers randomly... no other device i have does this..i.e. keyboards usb connected OR power supplied..
ive troubleshot EVERYTHING, and came to the conlcusion it's the trigger i/o being lame hehe. bummer too because its ALMOST good enough for me (im getting 1.8 miliseconds latency on my system, which is outstanding)
im using hart cymbals too...how well do they work with the megadrum?
thanks for your time
bob k
p.s. ive sent multiple emails over the last three weeks with no response....