How to wire HH input of megadrum to connect a Roland VH-11?

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How to wire HH input of megadrum to connect a Roland VH-11?

Postby elrules » Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:18 am

Hi, I have a Roland VH-11. I am waiting to solder the hihat cables of megadrum till I am sure of how to wire them.

I have checked the resistance value of the VH-11 without being connected to anything. I have measured the following:

Between Tip & Sleeve => from 20K (pedal up) to 0 ohm (pedal pressed) (It is quite precise!, full open is exactly 20K, pedal closed is 0.5K, and pedal tightly closed reaches 0 ohms, just perfect :D)

Tip-Ring => multimeter does not measure anything (infinite resistance I suppose)
Ring-Sleeve => the same... infinite

So, the only resistor values I can get come from the Tip-Sleeve connection

What do you think of my hihat controller? Any advice of how to wire it taking into account the values I have measured?

This is what Synthex answered me in a PM:
You need to plug it like that :
HiHat Power Source <-----> A fixed resistor (around 5k) <-----> HiHat Input <-----> (Tip) Roland HiHat Controller (Sleeve) <-----> GND
The problem is that my head is now in a mess and I don't get it. Did Synthex mean this?:
Code: Select all
        #Stereo JACK        #Megadrum inputs
   /------- (Tip) ---------- (HH input)
  |                   |
  |                  5k
~20k                  |
  |        (Ring) ---------- (HH power source)
   \-----(Sleeve) ---------- (GND)
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Re: How to wire HH input of megadrum to connect a Roland VH-11?

Postby dmitri » Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:46 am

With the latest firmware and taking in account the resistance you measured on your Roland VH-11 you may not need the additional resistor. Just connect sleeve to ground and tip to HiHat pedal input.
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Re: How to wire HH input of megadrum to connect a Roland VH-11?

Postby Synthex » Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:57 am

dmitri wrote:With the latest firmware and taking in account the resistance you measured on your Roland VH-11 you may not need the additional resistor. Just connect sleeve to ground and tip to HiHat pedal input.

The latest firmware do not need HiHat power source ?
How does it calculate the voltage ? ;)
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Re: How to wire HH input of megadrum to connect a Roland VH-11?

Postby dmitri » Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:43 pm

Synthex wrote:
dmitri wrote:With the latest firmware and taking in account the resistance you measured on your Roland VH-11 you may not need the additional resistor. Just connect sleeve to ground and tip to HiHat pedal input.

The latest firmware do not need HiHat power source ?
How does it calculate the voltage ? ;)

It does need power source if the pedal is a LED based type pedal. It may not need it if a pedal has a variable resistance between sleeve and tip because in the latest firmware I enabled built in pull up resistor which creates a voltage divider with the pedal resistor. For the same reason MegaDrum now supports a switch type pedals without an additional pull up resistor. How good it is going to work with a particular pedal of variable type is a question. This is why I said 'may not need the additional resistor'.
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Re: How to wire HH input of megadrum to connect a Roland VH-11?

Postby elrules » Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:46 pm

dmitri wrote:in the latest firmware I enabled built in pull up resistor
If I have a 2.4 synthex allinone kit, do I need to make hardware changes for that? Or simply connect my pedal?

Do I have to connect Ring of jack and HH power source or can I then leave it unconnected?
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Re: How to wire HH input of megadrum to connect a Roland VH-11?

Postby dmitri » Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:52 pm

elrules wrote:
dmitri wrote:in the latest firmware I enabled built in pull up resistor
If I have a 2.4 synthex allinone kit, do I need to make hardware changes for that? Or simply connect my pedal?

Do I have to connect Ring of jack and HH power source or can I then leave it unconnected?

No hardware changes needed. From your measurements the ring connection appears to be non functional, so just connect sleeve to ground and tip to the pedal input. Leave the ring unconnected.
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Re: How to wire HH input of megadrum to connect a Roland VH-11?

Postby elrules » Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:21 pm

dmitri wrote:
elrules wrote:
dmitri wrote:in the latest firmware I enabled built in pull up resistor
If I have a 2.4 synthex allinone kit, do I need to make hardware changes for that? Or simply connect my pedal?

Do I have to connect Ring of jack and HH power source or can I then leave it unconnected?

No hardware changes needed. From your measurements the ring connection appears to be non functional, so just connect sleeve to ground and tip to the pedal input. Leave the ring unconnected.
Thanks a lot dmitri. At last I can finish my megadrum :)
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Re: How to wire HH input of megadrum to connect a Roland VH-11?

Postby Synthex » Thu Jul 10, 2008 5:34 pm

good ! :)
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Re: How to wire HH input of megadrum to connect a Roland VH-11?

Postby ruffneck » Mon Jul 28, 2008 6:33 pm

erules, how did this work out for you? I also have the VH-11 and i have trouble trigging the fully open sounds. The half open/closed works ok. I have also switched to the Big VU and as i know the upper bar is for the hi-hat. However is it supposed to move the full range from left to right? Currently when my pedal is fully open the bar reaches only 1/5 of the total width....

Any ideas?


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Re: How to wire HH input of megadrum to connect a Roland VH-11?

Postby dmitri » Mon Jul 28, 2008 6:57 pm

You should set 'AutoLevels' to No in HH Pedal config and lower HighLevel for HH Pedal.
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