odd extra notes?

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odd extra notes?

Postby grandpayum » Wed Aug 19, 2015 4:41 am


my megadrum is set up and working well for the most part with a few exceptions i can't seem to track down. On my kick and tom 1 input I am getting odd extra notes. They operate as they should but with each strike I get notes that should not be - e.g. on the kick i get a rim hit despite it being a mono input. On both I get aftertouch messages as well. Tried with piezos directly wired to a 1/4" jack and the same behavior occurs so it's not likely the pads. does not appear to be any shorts in the wiring as far as i can tell. Both pads are grounded to pin 16 on the 40 pin pad connector. Latest firmware, stm32 based. all other inputs tested (all drums) work as they should.

another question: using roland vh12 for hi hat I almost only get after touch messages from the pad. pedal works great with 15k resistor installed after configuration but i only get after touch usually with an occasional 3rd zone or unknown in the midi log. any ideas? continuity tests suggest the pad works and again connecting piezos directly shows similar behavior.

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Re: odd extra notes?

Postby airflamesred » Wed Aug 19, 2015 6:24 am

I guess you've discounted physical cross talk?
It could be alt note, but I'm guessing you haven't set that?
Turn off 'Send Triggeredin' from the misc panel?

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Re: odd extra notes?

Postby dmitri » Wed Aug 19, 2015 9:02 am

One problem at a time. For the kick hit generating an extra rim note:
1. Post your MDM config.
2. Post a screenshot of MDM MIDI Log showing the problem.
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Re: odd extra notes?

Postby dmitri » Wed Aug 19, 2015 12:32 pm

Also, any input which doesn't have anything connected and not disabled will act as an antena picking up electromagnetic noise creatig false triggering. Disable any unused inputs by setting the inputs Note to 0.
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Re: odd extra notes?

Postby grandpayum » Wed Aug 19, 2015 1:19 pm

dmitri wrote:Also, any input which doesn't have anything connected and not disabled will act as an antena picking up electromagnetic noise creatig false triggering. Disable any unused inputs by setting the inputs Note to 0.

I'm at work now but this could very well be it if that's the case
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Re: odd extra notes?

Postby grandpayum » Thu Aug 20, 2015 12:59 am

dmitri wrote:One problem at a time. For the kick hit generating an extra rim note:
1. Post your MDM config.
2. Post a screenshot of MDM MIDI Log showing the problem.

disabling other inputs definitely improved the problem; aftertouch doesn't trigger now on tom 1 or kick.

images attached, mdm config for bass drum and hi hat (only two enabled right now). reloaded the megadrum_advanced_56 config from the zourman site as well except for hi hat pedal as I seem to have that down.

hi hat settings (click for big)

kick settings

raw midi: e-1 is hi hat hits with pedal down (coming up as 3rd zone hits but this is what it registers as regardless of pedal position). from c2 on is a single bass hit which registers as 3 hits and 2 rim hits. I'm sure part of this is adjusting sensitivity but the rim hits should not be, correct? Problem persists even if i disable hi hat jack as well.

visual midi showing same as above.

edit: okay so I completely restarted again and with the same kick settings disabled everything by setting notes to 0 and that fixed the odd notes - still have false triggering but I'm 99% sure thats just config (want to sort this before i start messing with sensitivity config). however, if i enable ANY other jack the issue comes back where the bass triggers c1 and c#1 (36 and 37). some other issues noted as well but I agree focusing on one at a time is probably smartest. Tomorrow I work ~15 hours but friday after work or saturday I will look at the wiring of the jacks - tom 3 and 4 appear to be connected wrong (triggering right but appear to be aux 1 and 2 jacks) so may be a wiring issue after all. Appreciate if any setting issues could be pointed out from above shots but this thread may have been premature. Not sure if I just switched up those though as the rest tested trigger properly. Still, casts doubt on my wiring! Thanks for help so far though!
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Re: odd extra notes?

Postby airflamesred » Thu Aug 20, 2015 10:20 am

Interesting that #37 has no note off

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Re: odd extra notes?

Postby grandpayum » Mon Sep 28, 2015 2:48 am

finally had some time after a long period of crazy work hours!

So tonight I removed all the jacks and redid the soldering on all of them. For testing purposes I only connected one at a time. Kick first, no problems noted outside of double triggers but I figure thats configuration that needs to be set. I then connected the HH pedal input and that is working correctly (and very well I might add). I then got cocky and added snare and hi hat and problems emerged again. In settings I've disabled all jacks except for ones I've redone (the others are not physically connected). The hi hat (a roland vh 12) plays as normal except on a pedal chick it registers as note c9 on despite that note being assigned to nothing in settings. Snare has similar issues, C1 plays and aftertouch happens despite none of those things being assigned to snare. In addition, once the megadrum has been on for a few minutes the snare stops registering anything in MDM unless i move the hi hat pedal. I've checked continuity a million times over and everything is as it should be, no shorts. Images attached of my settings. Any ideas?


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Re: odd extra notes?

Postby dmitri » Mon Sep 28, 2015 12:35 pm

Note 9 is most likely coming from the pedal Notes settings.

Aftertouch can only come from inputs which are configured as Switch.

Post your full .mds config here (zip it before posting). Make sure MDM is in sync with MegaDrum when saving an .mds config.
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Re: odd extra notes?

Postby grandpayum » Tue Sep 29, 2015 3:27 am

dmitri wrote:Note 9 is most likely coming from the pedal Notes settings.

Aftertouch can only come from inputs which are configured as Switch.

Post your full .mds config here (zip it before posting). Make sure MDM is in sync with MegaDrum when saving an .mds config.

there is a pad defined as switch - second zone of roland hi hat. .mds file attached. I noticed while making this that the snare won't respond without the hi hat pedal being used - attached a midi log image. if i play the snare nothing happens until I press the hi hat pedal; after this I get several aftertouch notes of various values when the snare is hit and then it immediately stops working. Also - the hi hat shows up as unknown and rim hits in the visual midi monitor. Jacks are connected as follows from pad connector 1 - pin 40 to pedal ring, pin 38 (high) to pedal tip, 37 to kick ring (mono), 36(e) to hi hat ring, 35(b) to hi hat tip, 34 (r) to snare ring, 33 (h) to snare tip.


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