I followd the instructions of the documentation to set up some Yamaha PCY-155 cymbals. Thresholds were set to:
Egde: 29
Bow: 22
3rdZone: 12
.. to achieve triggering of all 3 zones.
I didn't find a place where the "meaning" of those thresholds (cymbal channels) is explained, it seems it has to do with the seperation in this case (where as with pads it's about minium input signal for triggered notes)
Nevertheless, all 3 zones work with these threholds - only one big problem: MegaDrum sends Choke On/Off Notes (Edge +3rd Zone Note) randomly.
How can I kill those "notes"?
When I lower / upper some tresholds they go away but then I am not able to choke by touching the cymbal..