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Helping loading new FW in OSX
Thu Oct 20, 2016 4:29 pm
by vro3
Hey Dmitri!
Just got my MegaDrum, and it has a FW from 2011.
I believe I have AT644 board. I know I am limited with future updates, but I can not find a way to update to the newest firmware.
I am running OSX 10.11.6.
I have the megadrum644_48_20160529 FW downloaded.
I have downloaded both, Mega Drum Manager, and mdfwupdate
Attached are the screens that I believe are relevant.
I have tried setting my MIDI to be the same port, and different ports, 1 and 2.
Re: Helping loading new FW in OSX
Thu Oct 20, 2016 6:24 pm
by dmitri
As per ... f=3&t=1252 describe step by step what you do and what happens.
Re: Helping loading new FW in OSX
Thu Oct 20, 2016 6:44 pm
by vro3
I mean... I've read that. and I'm not sure what step I'm missing.
I don't have text on the LCD of the MD.
I've watched some videos, and when I open the mdfwupdate, i don't get any options...
What am I doing wrong?
Re: Helping loading new FW in OSX
Thu Oct 20, 2016 6:46 pm
by dmitri
Well, that means you don't follow the instructions from ... f=3&t=1252 exactly. As I suggested, describe step by step what you do and what happens.
Re: Helping loading new FW in OSX
Fri Oct 21, 2016 2:47 am
by vro3
I am trying my best to follow the directions!
here's a video of my setup.
Can you please tell me what I'm missing?!
Thank you!
Re: Helping loading new FW in OSX
Fri Oct 21, 2016 10:53 am
by dmitri
If firmware upgrade doesn't work in MDM for some reason, follow ... f=3&t=1252 - it always works. I don't see from the video that you use mdfwupdate.
Re: Helping loading new FW in OSX
Sun Oct 23, 2016 5:27 am
by vro3
Here's what happens when I use the uploader.
What step am I missing?!
Re: Helping loading new FW in OSX
Sun Oct 23, 2016 8:21 am
by dmitri
In step 4 of ... f=3&t=1252 it says:
4. From a
command line run the utility, e.g. on Windows:
mdfwupdate.exe megadrum644_20111213.bin
On Mac OS X;
./mdfwupdate megadrum644_20111213.bin
You run it not from a
command line.
Re: Helping loading new FW in OSX
Wed Nov 23, 2016 4:58 am
by vro3
Hey Dmitri!
I finally got passed the hiccup.
and then this happened:
There are 7 MIDI output ports available.
Output Port #1: IAC1 Bus 1
Output Port #2: IAC1 IAC Bus 2
Output Port #3: IAC1 IAC Bus 3
Output Port #4: IAC1 IAC Bus 4
Output Port #5: MegaDrum USB MIDI Port 1
Output Port #6: MegaDrum USB MIDI Port 2
Output Port #7: TouchOSC Bridge
Select an output port number for the firmware update (between 1 and 7):5
Opened MIDI Out port 5 .
There are 7 MIDI input ports available.
Output Port #1: IAC1 Bus 1
Output Port #2: IAC1 IAC Bus 2
Output Port #3: IAC1 IAC Bus 3
Output Port #4: IAC1 IAC Bus 4
Output Port #5: MegaDrum USB MIDI Port 1
Output Port #6: MegaDrum USB MIDI Port 2
Output Port #7: TouchOSC Bridge
Select an input port number for the firmware update (between 1 and 7):5
Opened MIDI In port 5 .
Firmware file is loaded
Firmware size is 62928 bytes
Transferring.. - 0% done.Retrying on CRC error
Transferring.. - 0% done.Retrying on CRC error
Transferring.. \ 0% done.Retrying on CRC error
Transferring.. \ 0% done.Retrying on CRC error
Transferring.. | 0% done.Retrying on CRC error
Transferring.. | 0% done.Retrying on CRC error
Transferring.. / 0% done.Retrying on CRC error
Transferring.. / 0% done.Retrying on CRC error
Transferring.. - 0% done.Retrying on CRC error
Transferring.. - 0% done.
CRC error. File damaged.
Any input on this?
Re: Helping loading new FW in OSX
Wed Nov 23, 2016 9:41 am
by dmitri
Possible causes:
1. You have other (MIDI) programs running at the same time that open all available MIDI ports, including MegaDRum MIDI ports. It will interfere with firmware upgrade.
2. The main board has a hardware fault where PIC USB chip and Atmega644 chip have a problem with serial connection between them.