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Chick and Splash Note Configuration VH11 Superior Drummer

PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 3:18 pm
by Narbicus

Am seeking advise as to how to configure Chick and Splash note triggering with a Roland Vh11 and Superior Drummer software. Chick and splash notes are not generated by the software based on CC4 position (like Addictive Drums for example), Superior drummer requires notes 21 for chick and 23 for splash from the module.

I have managed to get the triggering of the cymbal edge and bow and pedal open and closed levels working near flawlessly but am having problems setting up chicks and splashes.

Have been adjusting ChickThrsh, ShrtChckTh, LngChckTh levels but i'm unsure how to set this correctly. Also when ChckDelay is set to 1 i can get splashes but there is noticable delay in chicks and when set to 0 i lose splash but chicks seem to work ok without delay. Its making it very hard to determine correct settings.

Do you have any tips on a procedre to follow to get these options set up correctly?

I have not tried the 'new algrthm' but if i do, do i still need to set ChickThrsh, ShrtChckTh, LngChckTh or are they not relevant to this option?

Re: Chick and Splash Note Configuration VH11 Superior Drumme

PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 6:40 pm
by dmitri
1. The default ChickThrsh, ShrtChckTh, LngChckTh levels are pretty good starting points for getinng chicks.
2. I don't know any other way to generate a splash without generating a chick - delaying a chick to see if a splash will follow or not. Hence the ChckDelay.
3. ChickThrsh, ShrtChckTh, LngChckTh are not used in New Algorithm but this algorithm is used less by users so it is tested less.

Re: Chick and Splash Note Configuration VH11 Superior Drumme

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 6:05 pm
by Narbicus

When monitoring midi info in mdmfx, my hi hat shows CC value 126 fully open and 0 fully closed.

In the documentation its the opposite -

<HiHat Pedal >ChickThrsh 120
Measured against CC MIDI message value: 0 - for fully open, 127 - for fully closed. Set the level below which a following pedal 'step on' will generate a chick.

I started with default value for Chickthrsh (120) but i can only generate chicks easily when the value is set between 0-80, as if the CC value are opposite. I thought this would be the other way round as in say for example 80-120.

Shouldn't the CC value match or am i misunderstanding?

Apologies if i'm being stupid!

(btw i am no longer getting chick delay as i mentioned in first post)

Re: Chick and Splash Note Configuration VH11 Superior Drumme

PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 6:56 pm
by dmitri
Narbicus wrote:Hi,

When monitoring midi info in mdmfx, my hi hat shows CC value 126 fully open and 0 fully closed.

Please take a screenshot of MDMFX showing CC value 126 when the hihat is fully open and CC value 0 when fully closed.

Re: Chick and Splash Note Configuration VH11 Superior Drumme

PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 9:43 pm
by Narbicus
Thanks for reply.

Re: Chick and Splash Note Configuration VH11 Superior Drumme

PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 10:16 pm
by dmitri
When you say "MDMFX showing CC value 126 when the hihat is fully open" do you mean the HiHat VU-Meter with number 126 inside it? It is not CC value, it is just a visual position of the HiHat pedal. To see actual MIDI CC value, see Raw MIDI tab and with fully open pedal you will see CC value close to 0.

Re: Chick and Splash Note Configuration VH11 Superior Drumme

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 12:44 pm
by Narbicus
Knew i was being stupid. Just assumed that was the CC reading. I'm still tweaking settings, but it's working really well now.

Thanks for your help :)

(FYI for anyone else with vh-11 issues - i stopped using an extra hi hat stand felt washer underneath the roland metal and foam one. It makes the tighter articulations more accurate, adjusted the offset mechanism and low level acordingly. Also upgraded to SD3 which seems to have better hi hat handling).