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Settings for Jobeky Ride

PostPosted: Sat Aug 17, 2019 2:26 pm
by Mylo
Jobeky describes there 20” ride in this fashion:
* Dual zone feature, can be choked around the cymbal edge
* Separate bell input design features a large bell, 2 piezo triggers for separate bell and bow sounds + choke

Note: these are not Roland cymbals so you do have to make changes to your trigger setting. set Ride to CY-15R rim gain to 2.5 for bell function Cy-8

I have been trying for two days now trying to get this thing to work. I have searched this forum for help and tried possibly every permutation I can think of with varying results. If I manage to get the bow/edge and choke working the bell doesn’t work.

I’ve downloaded the configs for CY-15R from Powerhell and they didn’t work. I’ve tried dmitri’s suggestions on cables and jacks. Still nothing.

If anybody has these cymbals working with the latest MD and Jobeky cymbals I’d appreciate any help.


Re: Settings for Jobeky Ride

PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2019 6:53 pm
by Mylo
Some settings screenshots:

Re: Settings for Jobeky Ride

PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 1:28 pm
by dmitri
Do I understand it right that it is a piezo(bow)/switch(edge)/piezo(bell) 3 zone cymbal?

Re: Settings for Jobeky Ride

PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 5:54 pm
by Mylo
Yes it is my understanding that it is the case.

This thread: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3084&hilit=Jobeky+Ride talks about it and I’ve had others tell me the two jacks are [bell (piezo)/edge (switch)] and [bow (piezo)/edge (switch)].

The thread above never seems to reach a conclusion as to the solution.

Personally I don’t know how it is wired. But it is PPS. The picture is not real clear but one jack is labeled Bell and the other is labeled Bow/Edge.

I’ve tried wiring it as two dual zone cymbals but I can’t get the bow and bell to separate. I hit the bell and the bow triggers too and vice-versa.

Re: Settings for Jobeky Ride

PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 6:33 pm
by dmitri
Can you confirm if it is indeed: piezo(bow)/switch(edge) + piezo(bell)/switch(edge) and not piezo(bow)/piezo(bell) + piezo(bow)/switch(edge) as was assumed in the above mentioned topic?

Re: Settings for Jobeky Ride

PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 8:52 pm
by Mylo
If my testing is correct it is piezo(bow)/switch(edge) + piezo(bell)/switch(edge).

Plus, talking with Jman from StealthDrums on another topic he states:
“On the Jobeky 3 zone ride. It is a PPS configuration. Piezo Bow, Piezo Bell, Switch Edge & choke (the switch/choke is shared by the Bow and Bell output jacks).”

My testing seems to confirm this.

So let’s go with: piezo(bow)/switch(edge) + piezo(bell)/switch(edge).

Re: Settings for Jobeky Ride

PostPosted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 2:58 pm
by dmitri
Can you please try the following:

1. Plug the the cable with piezo(bow)/switch signal to one jack and configure it as a dual piezo/switch pad/cymbal. Set the Bow zone with bow Notes. Set the Edge zone with edge Notes.
2. Plug the piezo(bell)/switch cable to another jack and configure it as a dual piezo/switch pads/cymbal. Set the Bow zone with bell Notes. Set the Edge zone with edge Notes again.
3. Place all the zones into the same (and exclusive only to them) XTalk group.

Re: Settings for Jobeky Ride

PostPosted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 9:47 pm
by Mylo
I've tried what you said and now I'm thinking maru_engineering is correct.

On the box the jack labeled Bell is really bell (piezo)/bow (piezo).
The jack labeled Bow/Edge is bow (piezo)/edge (switch).

Take look at the following images.

Given the note values:
30 = Bell
51 = Bow
59 = Edge

(See file comments with each image)

Re: Settings for Jobeky Ride

PostPosted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:18 pm
by Mylo
I tried to get it working as a Roland 3 way. This feels close but...

1. I can't get the bell and bow to separate. For example: Any regular velocity hit on the bow triggers the bell.
2. Choke just will not work.

I tried many different thresholds and such but I couldn't get anything to work. I uploaded the settings here so maybe someone can get me the rest of the way.

Re: Settings for Jobeky Ride

PostPosted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 6:18 pm
by dmitri
If it is really bell (piezo)/bow (piezo) and bow (piezo)/edge (switch) it will not work as a Roland 3way cymbal.
To make sure that it is really bell (piezo)/bow (piezo) and bow (piezo)/edge (switch):
1. Plug only the first cable into a jack and configure it as a dual piezo/piezo pad/cymbal. When you hit bell do you do you get the head/bow zone Note? When you hit bow do you get the rim/edge zone Note?
2. Plug only the second cable into a jack and configure it as a dual piezo/switch pad/cymbal. When you hit bow do you do you get the head/bow zone Note? When you hit on edge do you get the rim/edge zone Note?