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Positional Sensing for ddrum4

PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 10:24 pm
by kenjwright
Greetings MegaDrummers!

Polling to see if there are others using the MD in front of a ddrum4 that could benefit from support of the ddrum4 method of Positional Sensing. Those familiar with the ddrum4 might know that the module does not use cc16+note-on for positioning, but rather divides a single, centrally located piezo pad into 8 zones and sends (and importantly) responds to a different MIDI note based on the detected position. The module plays the appropriate sounds as specified by the layer configuration for each of the 8 zones. This becomes important when using the MD to provide additional ports to the ddrum4 as well as getting better control over modern, positional or multi-zone pads. Currently Positional Sensing is lost if using the MD MIDI'd to the ddrum4.


