Can you help me and tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Can you help me and tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Postby dmitri » Mon Feb 09, 2009 4:33 pm

Fellow MegaDrum'ers!

Can I ask you to look at this thread (if you have time): viewtopic.php?f=3&t=510 and tell me why I failed to help jeffbeckib and what I was doing wrong?

Thank you.
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Re: Can you help me and tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Postby jman 31 » Mon Feb 09, 2009 5:03 pm

dmitri wrote:Fellow MegaDrum'ers!

Can I ask you to look at this thread (if you have time): viewtopic.php?f=3&t=510 and tell me why I failed to help jeffbeckib and what I was doing wrong?

Thank you.

As a DIY'er, I have built many different projects. Some I designed myself and some that I took from other peoples ideas. I am not speaking about any specific person, but if you don't have certain skills or the ability to think somewhat for yourself, no amount of help is going to matter. Also if the builder doesn't pay attention to the answer that is given it tends to make the process harder.

I have been following the thread that you mention above and have been very impressed with your patience and perseverance. Without having the project in hand it is impossible to know the attention to detail that went into the building. It's possible that a component was inserted wrong, a component was bad to begin with or any number of other problems. This is where having the ability to reason things out for yourself is very important.

The only thing that I have noticed about you Dmitri, is that you are a little blunt sometimes. This may be due to the cultural differences or possibly a language barrier, I don't know. I am not criticizing you, as I think this forum, and this project are great, just pointing out something I've noticed since you asked. :mrgreen:

I am a moderator on a xbox360 modding forum, and I have run into people that you just can't help. They either don't listen to the answer to the question that is asked, or better yet they don't even know what the question is that they are trying to ask. I guess what I'm saying is that you are not going to solve everyone's problems, so do what you can for those you can help and chalk the rest up to experience.

Sorry if this came off as rambling. :shock:

Jman 31
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Re: Can you help me and tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Postby dmitri » Mon Feb 09, 2009 5:30 pm

jman 31 wrote:The only thing that I have noticed about you Dmitri, is that you are a little blunt sometimes. This may be due to the cultural differences or possibly a language barrier, I don't know. I am not criticizing you, as I think this forum, and this project are great, just pointing out something I've noticed since you asked. :mrgreen:

Jman 31, thanks for your comments! I accept I may appear 'blunt' sometimes. It mostly comes from repeating the same thing over and over again when I may get unnecessary annoyed.
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Re: Can you help me and tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Postby ignotus » Mon Feb 09, 2009 5:51 pm


You definitely cannot be accused of refusing to help people out (I'm not just talking about this case here); quite the contrary, and I suppose it's normal to get annoyed after being so patient. I think what's happened here is that this person got the impression this was some kind of store or something (Dmitri working for Synthex! that was funny...) where you pay for a product and you have full right to expect (demand) it to work. To a degree that's correct, but only concerning the separate parts themselves. I think it should be made very clear that whoever buys a kit is just buying parts, not a working megadrum. When you buy a brand new hi-fi system you have the right to demand that it work properly, but this is a different story. There isn't a manufacturer selling a finished product - you are the manufacturer and it depends on you to make it work. You can ask for help, but you can't blame others if it won't work.
It says somewhere that basic soldering skills are enough, but that's only if you're lucky and get it right first time - I'd say that reading schematics, using a multimeter and identifying components are also essential. I agree that anyone with soldering skills can probably do this, but I think that alone really isn't enough.
I know, this has all been said before... but some things can never be repeated enough times... ;) No Dmitri, I don't think you've done anything wrong, i think it's just a few too many things were overlooked by this person.
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Re: Can you help me and tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Postby jman 31 » Mon Feb 09, 2009 7:27 pm

dmitri wrote:
jman 31 wrote:The only thing that I have noticed about you Dmitri, is that you are a little blunt sometimes. This may be due to the cultural differences or possibly a language barrier, I don't know. I am not criticizing you, as I think this forum, and this project are great, just pointing out something I've noticed since you asked. :mrgreen:

Jman 31, thanks for your comments! I accept I may appear 'blunt' sometimes. It mostly comes from repeating the same thing over and over again when I may get unnecessary annoyed.

That I understand VERY well!!! And in case I haven't said it before this is a great site for the DIY'er. I am impressed that you (and Synthex) give as much time as you do to those that need help.
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Re: Can you help me and tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Postby mcalilj » Mon Feb 09, 2009 7:36 pm

jman 31 wrote:I am impressed that you (and Synthex) give as much time as you do to those that need help.

I second that, Dmitri. Guys, I'd be astounded if any of the big edrum companies were even remotely as responsive to their users as Dmitri is. (ditto for Synthex).
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Re: Can you help me and tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Postby ole_hansen » Tue Feb 10, 2009 1:29 pm

when i had troubles you and synthex were always there within half a day.

the ONLY and SOLE reason why it didn't work for me in the first run was because i was rushing it.

with that said... THANK YOU for you AWESOMENESS!! :)
and now i have a MegaDrum that just needs to be slapped in a case and hooked up to my Edrums.

building the MegaDrum is a learning experience.
not really in electronics so much, as in patience and understanding.
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Re: Can you help me and tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Postby japi » Wed Feb 18, 2009 7:21 pm

I second this, when I had problems with my build, not only you Dmitri and Synthex, but many people suggested solutions to my problems
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