i'm finding it semi confusing to connect the 32 input connector to the stereo jacks i purchased.
i know how stereo jacks works, but looking at Synthex's "v2.8 Quick Manual", i'm reading
1 - GND
2 - HiHat controller High impedance input
3 - HiHat controller Power source
4 - HiHat controller Low impedance input
5 - Kick
6 - NC
7 - HiHat Bow
8 - HiHat Edge
9 - Snare Head
10 - Snare Rim
11 - Ride Bow
12 - Ride Edge
13 - Crash Bow
14 - Crash Edge
15 - Tom1 Head
16 - Tom1 Rim
so i'm guessing at least the GND is connector to ALL ground points on each jack, correct?
and then ie. solder #5 to the tip connection of the KickDrum input trigger jack?
and is it still correct that the 32 input connector (on Synthex's v2.8 boards) are connected as shown here:
2 - 4 - 6 - 8......
1 - 3 - 5 - 9......
(when looking from the top down - with the "square" being #1) ?