Your suggestions for MegaDrum FAQ. Everyone, please read!

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Your suggestions for MegaDrum FAQ. Everyone, please read!

Postby dmitri » Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:37 pm

Hi all,

It is evident there is an increasing demand for a more detailed MegaDrum FAQ. I'm probably not the best person to create entries for it because many things may seem to be too obvious to me.
So here I ask everyone, please, post your suggestions for the FAQ based on your experience. I'm sure those who recently encountered problems building MegaDrum will come up with suggestions. But I also ask those who built MegaDrum long to also try to recollect your experience and contribute, even if you had no problems but felt at the time that something should have been more clear.
If you can post both a question and an answer it would be even better.

I'll try to compile the FAQ (and answer unanswered) based on your input.

Thank you all in advance!
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Re: Your suggestions for MegaDrum FAQ. Everyone, please read!

Postby Synthex » Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:50 pm

it's a great idea !
Thank you all !
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Re: Your suggestions for MegaDrum FAQ. Everyone, please read!

Postby Synthex » Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:52 pm

For All In One v2.8 Kit :


The components must be located on the side of the top white silk screening.
You just need soldering on the bottom side.
Holes on the pcb are copper coated to connect both sides of the board.


Component label = PCB label

yellow violet black gold = 47
brown black brown gold = 100
red red brown gold = 220
yellow violet brown gold = 470
brown black red gold = 1k
yellow violet red gold = 4k7
blue red red gold = 6k2
brown black orange gold = 10k
yellow violet orange gold = 47k

15 = 15pF
22 = 22pF
104 = 100nF
D224 = 220nF
470nk = 470nF

12.000 = 12MHz
16.000 = 16MHz
20.000 = 20MHz

There is no polarity for these components


For the LCD, you can use for the "R lcd" :
- A 100 ohms resistor or less for the White / Blue LCD
- A 470 ohms resistor or less for the Blue / Black LCD
- A 47 ohms or less or no resistor for the Green / Black LCD


The bigger than the other resistors provided, with a SILVER ring, is the inductor, go on the spot labelled "1mH".


With your kit, you must use the 16 MHz crystal, go on the spot labelled "16MHz 20MHz".


Atmega32/324/644 all have the same pinout.


Red push-buttons must be wired between the "C" pin (common) and the "NO" pin (normally-off).


1N4148 component (diode) has a polarity.
On the PCB, the square pad is the positive.
On the component, the black ring (or yellow) is the positive.
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Re: Your suggestions for MegaDrum FAQ. Everyone, please read!

Postby DaRocka666 » Fri Mar 06, 2009 9:00 am


maybe i think it is a good idea to post pictures of each step of the
building of a MegaDrum.

For me it is simplier to build something if i see the pictures of it. But
detailed. So if anyone have problems with the soldering he can open
the faq and see where for example the wires go and which part is
soldered where on the board.

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Re: Your suggestions for MegaDrum FAQ. Everyone, please read!

Postby AwDeOh82 » Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:12 am

1 - I used the 20mhz crystal instead of the 16Mhz - wasn't sure which to use. If it isn't already written somewhere, maybe a quick explanation of which crystal to use in which situation is needed.
2 - My current problem, frying the Atmega after accidentally powering the unit up with reversed polarity - may be useful to note in the FAQ what Dmitri said:

If the USB socket is going to be external to the board and you're not sure about USB wires numbering the right way to do it is:

1. solder USB socket.
2. power it up over USB without ICs in their sockets and then checking right polarity on power rails/pins.
3. mount all ICs.

Take your time, and take breaks. Plan ahead. Have a multi-meter handy, know how to use atleast the basic functions on it.
Use a tray or piece of cardboard to arrange all the components, with their values next to them. Make it easy to grab what you need, when you need it.

It's easy to take shortcuts, rush soldering etc. But you'll be less than happy when Megadrum fails in 12 months, during (due to Murphy's Law, this outcome is GUARANTEED!) a live show, just as you realise the A&R guy from BMI Records seems to be enjoying your show.

This forum is just like any other forum - if you have a problem, use the search function. If that doesn't help, post a thread and ask for help. Be as descriptive as you can when you have a problem - give as much detail as you think is relevant. <- this should probably be in the FAQ, added to the Megadrum logo and incorporated into the next firmware release. :D
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Re: Your suggestions for MegaDrum FAQ. Everyone, please read!

Postby jamalpiper » Fri Mar 06, 2009 2:46 pm

I think a wiki application might work well for this, have people add to topics.

The wiki would essentially have the same info as the forums, just in one 'refined' topic instead of 8 posts on a subject.
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Re: Your suggestions for MegaDrum FAQ. Everyone, please read!

Postby dmitri » Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:04 pm

jamalpiper wrote:I think a wiki application might work well for this, have people add to topics.

The wiki would essentially have the same info as the forums, just in one 'refined' topic instead of 8 posts on a subject.

I've meant this topic for everyone to suggest entries for the FAQ. I'm going to compile and post questions and answers in
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Re: Your suggestions for MegaDrum FAQ. Everyone, please read!

Postby jman 31 » Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:19 pm

1. Which versions can Sythex's input PCB's be used with and how to use them with the different versions.
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Re: Your suggestions for MegaDrum FAQ. Everyone, please read!

Postby thramul » Sun Mar 08, 2009 12:29 pm

I think a list of supported commercial pads and cymbals would be great! I'm sure, members of the forum will help collecting the needed information by posting their own experiences.
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Re: Your suggestions for MegaDrum FAQ. Everyone, please read!

Postby ubaid88 » Mon Mar 09, 2009 2:31 pm

I think you see forum for common question and make it a part of
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