I came across this article and thought it would work perfectly for Synthex's PCB Input Jacks Boards.
This system allows uploading of a board design and subsequent ordering by whomever would like a board.
"New Feature - Publish your PCB Design!
In which we all become famous designers .. maybe.
Created On:
Mar 9, 2009
Today we are releasing a new feature - PCB design publishing. This means that you can now make your design available for the public to browse and order. Some people have been sharing links to their designs for a long time and this makes it much easier to share your design with the public.
How do I do it? Simple - go to "My Account" => "PCB Designs" and click "View" on the design that you want to publish. Now scroll down and you will see that you can change the name, the model and add a description. The description can have whatever you wish (don't be obscene ..) and contain links to your project site or email if you like.
Then, at the bottom of the page there is a check box to "Publish Design" - check this if you want the design to be available to the public or uncheck to unpublish.
Note: You have to add the design to your cart at least once - purchase is not required and you can remove it from the cart after that.
The published designs will be available here for all to see. This also allows people to order copies of the design. If you only want some special people to be able to see the design you can still leave it unpublished and use the old method of sending the link (also at the bottom of the PCB Design viewing page in your account).
Note that the Gerbers themselves are not published - just images of the board. People may differ on this point - but I decided to let designers make the decision of whether to publish the Gerber files; you can do that on a project site or some where and put a link in the description for now. If there is demand for it we can add a feature to also allow people to access the Gerbers later."