I m a total dummie about electronics so this is my really first measurement with a multimeter
Pros might found it silly but I have write every little thing i did
I apologize from the Pros again.
Before my answer I realized that when i disconnect the second part of inputs pcb and connect the piezo to piezo to snare input main piezo sounds snare and rim piezo gives rim sound when i hit them
Isnt that the rim piezo works like switch like when i put my hand on the rim piezo, and hit main piezo it sounds rim. In my case two piezo sounds different sounds.
ok my multimeter has 5 options in ohm selection these are: 2000k-200k-20k-2000-200
i choose 200 to make measurements, multimeter shows 1 for default
I dont know the pin numbers so I couldn make measurents If you can explain me the pin oreder I can measure them
so I couldnt answer 2-3 and 4-5-6 questions
Unplug the cable from your snare but leave it plugged into MegaDrum. Power MegaDrum off. With a multimeter measure resistance:
1) between the sleeve of the snare cable and the ground of the board. What is it? 0.35-0.40
2) between the the tip of the snare cable and pin 1 of the first 74HC4851 (top left IC in the Synthex's schematic). What is it?
3) between the the tip of the snare cable and pin 5 of the first 74HC4851. What is it?4) between the the tip of the snare cable and the ground of the board. What is it? 0.37
5) between the the ring of the snare cable and pin 5 of the first 74HC4851. What is it?
6) between the the ring of the snare cable and pin 1 of the first 74HC4851. What is it?
7) between the the ring of the snare cable and the ground of the board. What is it? nothing changes still shows "1"
I attached a pic of my MD to I draw a circle on a 74HC4851 which I believe the one you mentioned for the measurements.
If you can tell the numbers like from left to right up 1 or down two I can measure the other ones.
Thnk you for your patience
Best Regards