Bought Synthex v.2.8 Kit (complete kit)
I took my time and used DMM to verify components, and check all joints as I added each component and socket.
Went through all combinations to test for shorts, and plugged her into USB. CAME RIGHT UP WITH COPYRIGHT SCREEN, and Windows Vista recognized Megadrum USB MIDI !! Success! So I unplugged it, and worked a litttle on the Jacks, etc., then went to sleep.
Next day, plugged it up again, and NOTHING..OH, S##T...
1) It wold not boot up, but is still recognized by Windoze.(PIC OK? right?)
2) The midi LED stays lit all the time power is on(USB connected).
3) Display (I have white on blue ) shows faint flickering image of 2row blocks that look darker than background.
EDIT: (with pin 3 to ground, displays 2 rows white blocks)
So here I am, frustrated, hat in hand, looking for an expert!
So far I have:
1) Removed all IC's and checked all connections again, (all combinations of pins on the ATmega socket, etc.) I am
not finding any shorts or opens. (pins 11 & 31@GRD...10&30 are at 4.95Vwhen powered up)
2) Removed again the 4851's and tried to boot without, no luck.
3) Put it all back again & tried another hundred times...
4) Reset processor while trying to boot(flickering display goes all blue for half second, and back to same flicker)
5) Read Forum posts for about 6 hours today!
6;) Looked for shorts and cold joints for hours, if they are there, I can't find 'em.
7) Jumpered pins1&3 on LCD, (2 rows of solid white 5x7 blocks displayed)
So I am pretty much out of Ideas, and cannot figure what went wrong.
Thanks in advance