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Preferred drum shell size for triggering and potential posit

PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2009 10:13 am
by samdrum
Hi all,

Via this post I would like to share some experiences with you on the preferred drum size.

I've ordered the Synthex kit (can't wait to start soldering!) and am now about to buy the drum shells.

When it comes to triggering quality AND taking advantage of the potential position sensing feature in the future, what size should I buy: 8 inch / 10 inch / 12 inch or 14 inch ?

I'm a little bit confused, because this user states that 10" and 12" are the best choice.....

For Roland modules, pads with a diameter higher than 12'' are not very suitable for positional sensing. Tested by many vdrums forum users. 10'' and 12'' seems to be the best choices, while 14'' is more or less acceptable, 16 and greater suck with positional sensing

...while "Ken Forgettable" had position sensing success with a 14 inch snare:

But it's working for me nearly as well (if not better) than your velocity routine for light hits and I insist on using a 14" snare.

See this thread: ... on+sensing

Please help me with getting the size right. Cheers,

Re: Preferred drum shell size for triggering and potential posit

PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2009 12:16 pm
by Rubis
It seems to be related more to the quality of your heads than the size. I don't have a Roland module, but was looking at the same pages and would guess a 10" - 12" drum would probably be more accurate.

Re: Preferred drum shell size for triggering and potential posit

PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2009 4:58 pm
by samdrum
Alright. Then I will probably go for the 10 inch (making the assumption that smaller is better for position sensing and that the head type is more important anyway).

Regarding the head: which one is the best to use? I'm planning to buy a standard single layer mesh head...

Re: Preferred drum shell size for triggering and potential posit

PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:11 am
by Rubis
I have no idea which heads are the best, I am building mine from scratch. The V-drums forums have almost daily debates on this question, with no clear consensus ever reached.