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A Bit new at this, would request a little help.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 12:23 am
by Venimal
Hey guys,

I am all about new projects, and frankly, this excites me. My problem isn't actually DOING the project, but right now I am having problems with the parts list. Me and my friend are convinced that we can make the PCB and drill and soder it. Right now however, the problem I am having is figuring out exactly what parts I need from I would just use the links on the site here, but I don't really want to order from Europe. I need to get these parts by early next week before my friend gets married. As long as he helps me make the board, I should be all set.

Can anyone lend a hand?

Re: A Bit new at this, would request a little help.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 12:36 am
by jman 31
Hey man, I answered your PM at vdrums. Check out this post. It has all the mouser parts already spelled out thanks to our good friend Gastric! Read through it, and you will find most of the info you need for the v2.5. Anything after this is a double layer board which is next to impossible to DIY.
