macca2004 wrote:Yes I did read that but ......
I'm not talking about a single chick being sent when the pedal is partially raised, what is happening is multiple high velocity chicks being sent as the pedal passes thru the half position.. I was wondering if there is a setting such as retrigger which stops a chick being played so soon after a previous chick. Or even better an option to turn it off altogether. Generally drummers don't play chicks very fast anyway....a maximum of maybe 4 in a second...
You're describing exactly what I experienced. The double chick issue is as far as I'm concerned a 'false' soft chick followed by the 'real' chick. Mind you the first is unwanted, not the second. The 'false' soft chick is caused by the CC values momentarily reversing when you depress semi-softly on the pedal (probably what you refer to as half). The normal CC value of read-out would climb steadily like: 1-23-43-68-82-95 and result in a soft chick. The 'false' soft chick occurs if there is even a slight decline in the CC value chain like this: 1-23-43-68-
67-82-95. In this case a double chick occurs.
Mind you, these reversed values are NOT a result of uneven depression of the pedal. It's has to do with the way the same input can return slight different output.
I think the problem can be reduced if the soft chick production was more reluctant, eg. using a delay to 'listen' if it's a genuine soft chick or just a passing freak of math. Also, only a reversal of CC values above 50 will produce the 'false' soft chick. Raise the CC border so only values above 80 can pull a soft chick.
This effect of a "soft chick" being sent when the pedal is half open is not natural in my opinion. I sometimes like to play with the the hi-hat partially open, but these involuntary soft chicks are just spoiling the whole effect for me.
Acoustic hihats have a tilted bottom cymbal and soft chicks are made, not just by gently closing the two half all together but also by making semi-open contact between the tilted bottom cymbal and the straight top cymbal. But I agree soft chick in the current coding is much too strong and therefore seems brutally out of place ether way.
dmitri wrote:macca2004 wrote:I don't know how the cc values are allocated, but in my opinion the hi-hat should react like this.
Consider fully open as 127 and closed as 0 midi values. The velocity level should equal the open level. If the pedal is fully open (127) and then stomped closed the velocity level of the chick should be 127...if the pedal is half open (64) and then quickly closed the velocity of the chick should be 64. In anycase the chick should never fire unless the pedal value = 0 (+/- a predetermined amount).
My guess is that gabriel1712 will not agree with you.
Like Macca, I think speed is the all important parameter with distance (Open-close) only acting as a ceiling. And I do agree soft chicks are too strong in the present code. But I also believe it would be a mistake only to make soft chick possible near 0 (CC=127). We've been there and it was impossible to chick playing with heel down. Have you ever attemped a soft chick with heel up without ending on the floor, legs up? To make heel down soft chick possible you need atleast CC-range 80-127. I really think the solution is to change the soft chick range from the current 50-127 to 80-127 and also aim at cutting the velocity return from soft chick in half. (Half the present punch).