Has anyone built a Megadrum without the help of schematics?

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Has anyone built a Megadrum without the help of schematics?

Postby rockdude » Thu Sep 03, 2009 7:45 pm

I'm tempted to buy and build one of Synthex's kits. Has anyone managed to build one of his kits just by looking at the photo of the PCB with the components on? How many got it right the first time? It looks pretty clear as it is. I ask this because I get scared just by looking at the schematics. I'm also tempted to buy a finished Megadrum from Dmitri, but I like the challenge of putting it all together myself (I just don't know if I can do it :) ). I know how to solder and enjoy DIY stuff, but if I run in to some faulty with this build I'm not sure if I can fix it.
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Re: Has anyone built a Megadrum without the help of schematics?

Postby jman 31 » Thu Sep 03, 2009 8:22 pm

You shouldn't have too much trouble putting the board together with minimal use of the schematic. Wiring everything up will probably take a little looking on your part. Schematics are really not the difficult. It really helps to make sure you have all the wires and plugs right. It's not as intimidating as it looks if you just take the particular section you are working on and try to ignore the rest.
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Re: Has anyone built a Megadrum without the help of schematics?

Postby der Papst » Thu Sep 03, 2009 8:37 pm

rockdude wrote:I'm tempted to buy and build one of Synthex's kits. Has anyone managed to build one of his kits just by looking at the photo of the PCB with the components on? How many got it right the first time? It looks pretty clear as it is. I ask this because I get scared just by looking at the schematics.
Yeah, you just need the tables for resistors and capacitors, the rest is printed on the board
der Papst
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Re: Has anyone built a Megadrum without the help of schematics?

Postby elrules » Thu Sep 03, 2009 8:40 pm

I have built two Synthex modules, the two of them at the first attempt just looking at the photo. It is quite easy if you are organized when working.
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Re: Has anyone built a Megadrum without the help of schematics?

Postby rockdude » Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:03 pm

"So you're telling me there's a chance... *YEAH!* " (My favourite Dumb Dumber quote)

I'm almost convinced that I might pull this one off. I'm still searching for a good and cheap enclosure though. I won't build it if the enclosure costs as much as the kit. I've searched on ebay and other sites, but I haven't found anything that's cheap and suits this build. All suggestions are welcome. I live in Europe (Sweden).

Thanks for all replies so far.
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Re: Has anyone built a Megadrum without the help of schematics?

Postby jman 31 » Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:19 pm

I played basketball in Malma in '95 for one of the club teams there. The country was beautiful.

I would go ahead with it. There are plenty of helpful people here that will walk you through it. You should be able to find a good enclosure for not to much. Good luck with it!

jman 31
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Re: Has anyone built a Megadrum without the help of schematics?

Postby kurtus420 » Fri Sep 04, 2009 6:09 pm

I used a hammond 1598DSGY, found it much easier working with a box like this because the front and back plate are removable making it way easier to cut and drill holes etc. I see your on the etrigger site, what are you using now? A trigger io?

rockdude wrote:"So you're telling me there's a chance... *YEAH!* " (My favourite Dumb Dumber quote)

I'm almost convinced that I might pull this one off. I'm still searching for a good and cheap enclosure though. I won't build it if the enclosure costs as much as the kit. I've searched on ebay and other sites, but I haven't found anything that's cheap and suits this build. All suggestions are welcome. I live in Europe (Sweden).

Thanks for all replies so far.
56 input Megadrum644, Tama Iron Cobra, Taye, Sonor, Roland, Yamaha, Gibraltar, Tascam.
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Re: Has anyone built a Megadrum without the help of schematics?

Postby rockdude » Fri Sep 04, 2009 7:02 pm

I used a hammond 1598DSGY, found it much easier working with a box like this because the front and back plate are removable making it way easier to cut and drill holes etc.

Thanks for the suggestions! How many inputs could you fit into one of those?
More suggestions are welcome.

I see your on the etrigger site, what are you using now? A trigger io?

Yes I'm using an Alesis Trigger IO.
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Re: Has anyone built a Megadrum without the help of schematics?

Postby kurtus420 » Fri Sep 04, 2009 7:22 pm

You will be much happier with a megadrum, it is so much more feature rich, sort of like a td-20 minus the sounds and add a few extra features like 3way triggering from only one jack. As far as the enclosure goes, I have managed to fit all 56 inputs into it.....must be the smallest 56 input megadrum out there. I went this route to mount it on my rack using a Roland module mount, here a some pictures if your interested. http://www.megadrum.info/forums/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=857
56 input Megadrum644, Tama Iron Cobra, Taye, Sonor, Roland, Yamaha, Gibraltar, Tascam.
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Re: Has anyone built a Megadrum without the help of schematics?

Postby rockdude » Fri Sep 04, 2009 9:25 pm

You will bve much happier with a megadrum, it is so much more feature rich, sort of like a td-20 minus the sounds and add a few extra features like 3way triggering from only one jack. As far as the enclosure goes, I have managed to fit all 56 inputs into it.....must be the smallest 56 input megadrum out there. I went this route to mount it on my rack using a Roland module mount, here a some pictures if your interested. viewtopic.php?f=3&t=857

Yes I'm starting to fall in love with MegaDrum and I'm aaalmost entirely convinced to spend my money and time on it :)
I do like Alesis Trigger IO too though, but it's not as feature rich as MegaDrum. I've complained about some of the flaws A.Trigger IO has (reversed midi cc, strange position of chick note and so forth), and MegaDrum doesn't have any of these problems as far as I know.

Impressive to fit all 56 inputs in that enclosure Kurtus. It looks good too! I might have to buy a little bigger enclosure since I don't think I have the skills to put all those things in a so small place....but I guess Hammond has the same enclosure in bigger dimensions too.
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