more random questions

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more random questions

Postby atomburst » Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:45 am

these questions probably have very simple answers but the schematics are confusing me in a few different parts.

firstly i have a power switch that has an LED in it to tell me if it is on or not. i was wondering how i wire this up. would i wire it up normally to the usb power switch and draw the power for the LED from wiring it in series with the power from the usb?

secondly what are the other connections on the bottom of the bottom input board? the ones aside from the 36 input connections. i know one of them is for the usb but what about the other two?

and thirdly how do i wire the connections for the hi hat together? as in i have my hi hat controller all ready to go but in the megadrum it seems the input is just a stereo jack and that i need to do something else to it to make have open and closed sounds etc.?

also any advice on how to test if i have wired everything together. should i just go along with the multimeter and test every single connection or is there a few mains one that i need to test?

thanks for your help only need these first 3 questions answered untill i can finish my megadrum

[edit] i am using synthex's all in one board
Last edited by atomburst on Thu Sep 10, 2009 1:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: more random questions

Postby Firelord » Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:25 am

Are you talking about Synthex' design, or Dmitri's design? I'll assume the latter. If I'm wrong just ignore my message (except the hi-hat part).

atomburst wrote:firstly i have a power switch that has an LED in it to tell me if it is on or not. i was wondering how i wire this up. would i wire it up normally to the usb power switch and draw the power for the LED from wiring it in series with the power from the usb?

There are several ways of inserting a power switch into the current design. One requires a schematic change (and, thus, you will have to change the board layout as well), and the other requires an additional board with the USB jack and some simple wiring and, to my knowledge, some additional components.

atomburst wrote:secondly what are the other connections on the bottom of the bottom input board? the ones aside from the 36 input connections. i know one of them is for the usb but what about the other two?

If you mean the analogue board, then there are only two connectors on it: the 2x20-pin input jacks connector and the digital board 2x8-pin connector.

atomburst wrote:and thirdly how do i wire the connections for the hi hat together? as in i have my hi hat controller all ready to go but in the megadrum it seems the input is just a stereo jack and that i need to do something else to it to make have open and closed sounds etc.?

There are two jacks for the hi-hat.

1. Hi-hat pads jack;
2. Hi-hat pedal jack (this obviously controls open/closed sounds). MegaDrum supports a variety of different hi-hat pedals, by the way.

atomburst wrote:also any advice on how to test if i have wired everything together.

Just be careful and pay a lot of attention during assembly, what else can I say?
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Re: more random questions

Postby atomburst » Sat Sep 12, 2009 3:16 am

i am using synthex's design for his all in one board. in regards to the power switch, there are only 2 connections on the board and 3 connections on my switch. what do i do?

atomburst wrote:
secondly what are the other connections on the bottom of the bottom input board? the ones aside from the 36 input connections. i know one of them is for the usb but what about the other two?

firelord wrote:
If you mean the analogue board, then there are only two connectors on it: the 2x20-pin input jacks connector and the digital board 2x8-pin connector.

i am talking about the input boards. the one where all of the jacks come off. there are 2 boards for this one is the top board and the other is the bottom board. on one of the boards there are the pins to connect the jacks. then there is another set of 3 pins that look to be seperate. and there is a set of 6 pins that look to be seperate from that again. and there is also a set of 4 pins that is for the usb. can you tell me what the set of 3 and 6 are for? i think they are for high/low impedance but what is this used for? is the other one a polarity switcher? if so what is that for? and do i need these other things?

firelord wrote:
There are two jacks for the hi-hat.

1. Hi-hat pads jack;
2. Hi-hat pedal jack (this obviously controls open/closed sounds). MegaDrum supports a variety of different hi-hat pedals, by the way.

OK except that is the hi-hat pedal jack wired the same way as all other jacks. or does it have extra components? and if so are these extra components on the all in one board?

sorry for all of these questions i just want to make sure everything is right before i wire it up otherwise trying to find the source of the problem will be hell afterwards

regards, isaac
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Re: more random questions

Postby Rubis » Sat Sep 12, 2009 6:09 am

Most switches have three connections. The center is the common or ground and the other pins close the connection to the common in one position or the other. You would wire to one of the side pins and to the center pin. Leave the third unconnected.

As for the pins on the inputs boards, the three pin set is the hihat pedal impedance, and the the six pin set switches which connector is the power and which is the signal. viewtopic.php?f=3&t=462 shows it a little better at the bottom of the first post.

The hihat input itself is the same as the other jacks, except that it also has another jack for the pedal, which operates completely differently and controls how open/closed the hihat is.
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Re: more random questions

Postby gabriel1712 » Sat Sep 12, 2009 8:13 am

atomburst wrote: or does it have extra components? and if so are these extra components on the all in one board?

Yes, the HH pedal has an extra component with jumpers and no, it's not on the All-in-one board. You have to buy the '32 inputs Jack PCB' or if you wire your jacks without a PCB, you need to build the jumper part controlling Pedal Impedance and polarity. Use this link to my build(scroll down to the Jack input section in first post) to give you a general idea and the link provided by Rubis to understand the mechanics.
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