My FD8 is set to HiLvl 159, so nothing wrong there. I assume LevelsAuto is set to NO. Did you try lowering the value a bit to get the last 1½ %?kurtus420 wrote:its like I cant get it configured to full open only 98.5% open. I have it set to lowlevel 30 and hilevel 160, anything higher than that starts to send midi notes or at least the midi led starts randomly flashing.
gabriel1712 wrote:Just checked, my Big VU is also missing the last 1½ bars. Tbh I think it's like so by design, to make it reckonisable when it's at max.
gabriel1712 wrote:My FD8 is set to HiLvl 159, so nothing wrong there. I assume LevelsAuto is set to NO. Did you try lowering the value a bit to get the last 1½ %?kurtus420 wrote:its like I cant get it configured to full open only 98.5% open. I have it set to lowlevel 30 and hilevel 160, anything higher than that starts to send midi notes or at least the midi led starts randomly flashing.
For a more accurate reading, you should use Midi-Ox.
kurtus420 wrote:I will have to see what dmitri thinks
kurtus420 wrote:Dmitri, no thoughts as to what might be causing the main issue here, gabriel1712 has confirmed that my settings are very similar to his, is the outcome on the bigvu the way it should be?
kurtus420 wrote:Hey gabriel1712, how does your hihat pedal funtion if you do a right key default reset or if you update your firmware? Still works? Thanks man.
dmitri wrote:kurtus420 wrote:Dmitri, no thoughts as to what might be causing the main issue here, gabriel1712 has confirmed that my settings are very similar to his, is the outcome on the bigvu the way it should be?
By the main issue you mean "pedal is not functioning after I upgrade my firmware"? If yes, and hardware problems are excluded, then I can only suspect that with AutoLevels left at defaults MegaDrum doesn't set High/Low levels correctly for FD8 so you have to do it manually.
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