Config Tool for Mac user (hopefully a temporary post!!)

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Re: Config Tool for Mac user (hopefully a temporary post!!)

Postby elrules » Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:13 am

My plans are to upload the source code as soon as I have time. I want to do it ´the right way´ publishing a short manual on how to install and configure Netbeans properly
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Re: Config Tool for Mac user (hopefully a temporary post!!)

Postby elrules » Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:10 pm

Good news for Mac users. I have successfully configured a virtual Mac OSX Leopard installation in VMware. And installed Netbeans and plugged and recognized MEgadrum. Now I can start testing on a Mac OS the Megadrum Config Tool and see what errors it give.

Luckyly with a bit of investigation I can manage to solve the problems
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Re: Config Tool for Mac user (hopefully a temporary post!!)

Postby ole_hansen » Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:13 pm


so what's actually needed to run the config tool on a mac (running leopard)?
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Re: Config Tool for Mac user (hopefully a temporary post!!)

Postby elrules » Thu Jun 11, 2009 9:15 pm

ole_hansen wrote:AWESOME!!!!

so what's actually needed to run the config tool on a mac (running leopard)?
Could you test MCT 1.71 for me?

Download mmj:
You have to copy mmj.jar and libmmj.jnilib to /Library/Java/Extensions/

Execute the config tool and try it.

Post your results.

Alternatively, use another library (delete before the mmj files from the Extensions folder):
It is an installer

Execute the config tool and try it.

Post your results.

My results are that I cannot connect, but I want to know if it is due to being executing a virtual Mac..
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Re: Config Tool for Mac user (hopefully a temporary post!!)

Postby ole_hansen » Thu Jun 11, 2009 9:45 pm

elrules wrote:
ole_hansen wrote:AWESOME!!!!

so what's actually needed to run the config tool on a mac (running leopard)?
Could you test MCT 1.71 for me?

Download mmj:
You have to copy mmj.jar and libmmj.jnilib to /Library/Java/Extensions/

Execute the config tool and try it.

Post your results.

Alternatively, use another library (delete before the mmj files from the Extensions folder):
It is an installer

Execute the config tool and try it.

Post your results.

My results are that I cannot connect, but I want to know if it is due to being executing a virtual Mac..

i tried the first one (mmj.jar and libmmj.jnilib)
didn't work.
i could connect - well i could open up MCT and i asked me to update the firmware on the MD to 20090609 - which i did.
it went smoothly.
but i can't send or recieve anything from MD and MCT.
although it says "...settings sent to MD" in the Applications Log.

second try (the installer) (and yes i deleted mmj.jar and libmmj.jnilib before installing this)
ok got that up and running (had to choose MegaDrum as the MIDI IN device again.
same thing as above.
i could connect - well i could open up MCT and i tells me my firmware is up to date.
but i can't send or recieve anything from MD and MCT.
although it says "...settings sent to MD" in the Applications Log."
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Re: Config Tool for Mac user (hopefully a temporary post!!)

Postby elrules » Fri Jun 12, 2009 11:07 pm

ok, in my virtualized mac system the same happens. (not with the firmware update as I didn't test it much) But I cannot send/receive ANYTHING (sysex with settings or midi notes). But the funny thing is that the testing applications installed by those libraries don't work either.
(For example, give the Mandolane testing application a try, it is an application that opens the output to send a midi scale and later it opens the input to receive midi events. Try hitting pads when it prompts you to send midi data through the selected input. For me, it didn't received a shit.)

I know this problem is not related to be running Mac OSX on VMWare, because I also installed "Sysex Librarian", an application programmed in XCode, to send sysex messages, and it works like a charm.

I am pretty angry with Java MIDI support in Mac. They dropped that support in the change from version 10.4.7 of the OS to the version 10.4.8. Don't know why.

Anyway, my last attempt is taking the source code of "mmj" and the sources of "Sysex Librarian" (which works) and see if I can mix the good things from each one (the Java Native Interface of mmj with the (working) methods of SysexLibrarian. But that is going to take me more time. For now, I have downloaded XCode to be able to program in objective-c
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Re: Config Tool for Mac user (hopefully a temporary post!!)

Postby fuzzysnuggleduck » Sat Jun 13, 2009 1:17 am

Thanks for all your work with MCT on the OS X platform.

Us Mac users really appreciate it. I'm also a bit puzzled by CoreMIDI support being pulled from Java. Apple has been pulling quite a few moves displeasing the Java community lately.
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Re: Config Tool for Mac user (hopefully a temporary post!!)

Postby jeffbeckib » Sat Jun 13, 2009 1:45 am

I 2nd that Fuzzy
I'm not happy with apple these days.
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Re: Config Tool for Mac user (hopefully a temporary post!!)

Postby fuzzysnuggleduck » Sat Jun 13, 2009 7:29 pm

jeffbeckib wrote:I 2nd that Fuzzy
I'm not happy with apple these days.

I honestly am not all that displeased with Apple over the Java stuff but I know lots of other people are. I just don't understand why they would yank existing, working code from their Java SDK? I mean, not releasing new Java runtimes nearly as fast as Sun or IBM is what is pissing most Java developers off but since I'm not a Java developer and typically am not affected but it, it doesn't matter much to me.

But this MIDI stuff affects me because of MCT. Oh well.

I'm grateful to elrules for keeping on it and looking for a solution.
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Re: Config Tool for Mac user (hopefully a temporary post!!)

Postby jeffbeckib » Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:54 pm

Yeah that's true, some of us forge that this software is free. I'll just try to be patient for now. I think he mentioned there's a way in MCT to export the configurations as a sysex file and then just use sysex librarian to send it to the MD? Have you heard about this option?

fuzzysnuggleduck wrote:
jeffbeckib wrote:I 2nd that Fuzzy
I'm not happy with apple these days.

I honestly am not all that displeased with Apple over the Java stuff but I know lots of other people are. I just don't understand why they would yank existing, working code from their Java SDK? I mean, not releasing new Java runtimes nearly as fast as Sun or IBM is what is pissing most Java developers off but since I'm not a Java developer and typically am not affected but it, it doesn't matter much to me.

But this MIDI stuff affects me because of MCT. Oh well.

I'm grateful to elrules for keeping on it and looking for a solution.
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