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Possible fix for Mac issues - mjwrapper

PostPosted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 11:07 pm
by davem
Hi guys,

I said a while ago that I'd found a 'solution' for people running (or attempting to run) MCT on Mac OS X. The solution is essentially along the lines of mmj - it is a bridge between CoreMIDI and Java which allows MCT to actually see your MIDI devices. However, I wasn't pleased with the mmj developers. Their project is closed-source and appears to be run by people who have absolutely no motivation to support this in the future (besides the cash - looks like they're charging €3.50 for the 64-bit version now.

Anyway. I've finally found some time to clean up the library (called mjwrapper) and so I'm going to release it under the GPL. But I would like to do some additional testing with some willing volunteers on here if possible, before I go ahead and release this generally on my website.

You can get the source code and, for those that are uncomfortable compiling, binary files from here:

The installation procedure is in the README file. Hopefully, this library should work on both PPC and Intel macs. Please also make sure you have either OS X 10.5 or 10.6 with the latest updates installed, although in theory this should work for OS X 10.4.

You also need to make sure that you're running the right version of the Java. To do this, open the Java Preferences application (inside the Utilities folder in the Applications folder). Then in the second list, drag Java SE 6 (64-bit) to the top.

Please post your experiences here... any questions, let me know!


Re: Possible fix for Mac issues - mjwrapper

PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 1:08 am
by Ken Forgettable

Thanks for this.

Re: Possible fix for Mac issues - mjwrapper

PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 12:46 am
by davem
So, anyone tried this yet? Based on my experiences and the lack of chatter I'm so far assuming a 100% success rate :D

Re: Possible fix for Mac issues - mjwrapper

PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 3:47 am
by fuzzysnuggleduck
davem wrote:So, anyone tried this yet? Based on my experiences and the lack of chatter I'm so far assuming a 100% success rate :D

I will be jamming again on Wednesday and I can bring over my Macbook with mjwrapper installed and give it a shot. I got my fingers crossed. Thanks for your hard work on this, either way.

Re: Possible fix for Mac issues - mjwrapper

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 11:34 am
by elrules
Sorry for not connecting to this forum... I am so f***ing busy with the work.

Those seems good news, I will try your library

Re: Possible fix for Mac issues - mjwrapper

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 6:51 pm
by fuzzysnuggleduck
Jam session may be cancelled tonight but I'm going to try to swing by the studio anyways to see if I can get mjwrapper working with MCT.

Re: Possible fix for Mac issues - mjwrapper

PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 4:57 am
by fuzzysnuggleduck
I am sad to report that mjwrapper doesn't seem to be working for me. First off, let me say I have a first generation Macbook and thus it's actually 32-bit. I have Java 6 installed and MCT launches, sees the megadrum and MIDI is seen in the log, I simple cannot get it to receive or send any settings.

I have the two files in /Library/Java/Extensions/

Is the 32-bit a problem? Is the library 64-bit only?

Re: Possible fix for Mac issues - mjwrapper

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 7:50 am
by fuzzysnuggleduck
A new update. My friend upgraded to 10.6 on his MBP and MCT now works with mjwrapper! I suspect lack of 64-bit Java is the issue with my 1st gen Macbook. I'll confirm myself next time but he says it's all working (load, save) and so far so good!

Re: Possible fix for Mac issues - mjwrapper

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 3:02 am
by davem
That's great news! I'm running 10.6 so it's hard to test with other stuff, but I will try and see if I can get 32-bit working. In theory, it's just a case of getting the right compiler flags. I will have a bit of a play.

Re: Possible fix for Mac issues - mjwrapper

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 3:25 am
by fuzzysnuggleduck
I was wrong. My friend gave me incorrect information!

We tested it together on 10.6.2 with 64-bit Java SE 6 on his MBP and it was no-go. Just MIDI monitor, no sysex :(