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Input HighLevel Parameter

PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 12:03 pm
by groovenagl
dear all,

i read up on all the info i could incl. the PDF manual someone put together. however i have a small question. why would i need to set the "input level high" parameter at all? isn't it sufficient to just raise the gain until your hardest hits would produce velocity 127? thanks for helping understand what this parameter really does... is it a way to "skew" (read flatten) the incoming curve looking at lowest/highest signal emitted from the piezo?


Re: Input HighLevel Parameter

PostPosted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:31 pm
by angr77
The high level needs to be set. You do this by using the auto highlevel set to Yes and then press the right rotary encoder on the MD. The MD will then jump to the high level field and start measure the high level starting from 64. Try to hit the pad hard for a couple of times...and the high level will be set. e.g. 640 etc.

When ready - set Auto highlevel to No. Save the config. Ready. You could of course do it manually as you say. But you need a value here.


Re: Input HighLevel Parameter

PostPosted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:42 pm
by groovenagl
thanks for the reply! while thinking about it seems like the "mapping" of derived velocity values 0 - 127 in regards to the available dynamic range of the DC coming from the piezo. so you kind of "compress" your velocity curve in the trigger signal domain (rather dann compressing the resulting MIDI notes via velocity transformation).


Re: Input HighLevel Parameter

PostPosted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 5:09 pm
by airflamesred
Yes. I think I'm right in saying that MD measures between threshold and high level and divides this into the midi velocities.