MDM-FX: Usability midi settings

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MDM-FX: Usability midi settings

Postby stefan1982 » Sun Jun 25, 2017 3:18 pm


Above is a part of the Options-settings (Main => Options).

Some questions:
- Use same MIDI In/Out: It needs some help text.. I searched the documentation and nowhere is to be found, when these setting has to be set to true/false. I personally do not even know why I should bother setting it. What is the default? And when should I change it?

- MIDI IN/OUT only has 3 options (Port 1/Port 2/Midi Sequencer). It's better to use radio buttons, once the options are equal or less that 5 options. So you could see the options immediately, without having to do an extra click.

- MegaDrum Chain ID:
Why is this? Should I change it? Why? What are the benefits of that?

- Enable MIDI Thru: Again, why should I change this? What do I gain from that? And if it's disabled, shouldn't the "MIDI Thru" dropdown underneath it be disabled as well?

- What does "Init Ports on Startup" mean? What does it do?

- Sysex Timeout: Now, what is SysEx? I'm not using that.. I'm using the MD-device.. ;-) Seriously, how should someone set the syses timeout and why? Pick a good default and set it globally, and get rid of the whole option all together. It's too specific imo, and I do not think anyone touches it..

- Button "Rescan MIDI ports". Why should I click that button? What does it do? Buttons are for logical actions. Is it possible to get rid of the button and let MDM automatically rescan when it's needed and populate the needed option fields if there are new options found?

The buttons "Ok"and "Cancel" need to be reversed in order and have a better caption like "Save (MIDI) settings" and "Cancel". The default action (in this case "Save (MIDI) settings" need to be on the right, the "Cancel" button on the left.)

Is it possible to set some good defaults, which will almost always work?

The other tab "Misc" only has 1 option to set "Save Options on Exit". Why would you want a setting for that? Why should one bother opening up MDMFX, change settings, and close it without saving? I think It's better to have an option that set's the MDMFX-app settings back to some sensible defaults.

What do you think about a GUI like this? (Once published I'm trying to implement such a thing, once I get things coocked up at my development Mac.

I'm not bitching... Just trying to help you make MDMFX a bit easier to understand and more intuitive. And to be honest, I'm really struggling to understand what all the options and stuff does myself, and I know I'm not the only one referring to the many, many forum posts.

Re: MDM-FX: Usability midi settings

Postby dmitri » Sun Jun 25, 2017 8:06 pm

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Re: MDM-FX: Usability midi settings

Postby jungleb » Tue Apr 23, 2024 11:10 pm

I did look into the 10 pages of this post and I wasnt able to find a meaning for the Init Ports on Startup
Posts: 30
Joined: Sun May 31, 2020 4:38 am

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