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Ableton recording problems

PostPosted: Sat Feb 22, 2020 10:42 pm
by mindgrenade
This one may not be MD related but it's only the MD giving me this problem and I don't really know where or what to look for to solve this problem as I have no idea why it's happening so hoping someone here may be able to help.

I'm running my MD through Ableton using Addictive Drums 2 and it all is (finally) working pretty close to ideal. All sounds work and I've got it tuned in to a point where I'm happy. The problem is when I go to record, Ableton doesn't receive any MIDI from the MD. Everything is flawless until I hit that record button. I have 2 other MIDI devices that receive and record just fine, but as soon as its recording Ableton doesn't even know the MD is even there.

Is there a setting I have wrong somewhere? Absolutely lost as to why. Done a bunch of recordings with Ableton before and never had this problem...

Re: Ableton recording problems

PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2020 8:30 am
by airflamesred
It's something to set up in Ableton so it recognises the incoming midi from MD.
My daughter downloaded Ableton and I could make no sense of it - even getting it to recognise a keyboard.
Sorry I can't be of much help.