Total Noob need some help

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Total Noob need some help

Postby sdinesh86 » Wed Aug 12, 2009 6:57 am

Hi friends,

i was looking out for some cheap solution for an edrum set, on the look out for that stuff i landed on the edrum set by admir.

i am seriously looking forward towards building one for mysef, but i am in kinda confusion and problem now need some help solving that.

i know that we can make few minor changes in megadrum and use it with a computer.

since i am total new person to these [do have some basic knowledge and experienced person in electronocs] i was looking for some detailed how to and instruction manaul to build megadrum that can be connected to computer through com port or something [i would go and buy a sound card if i need for MIDI input though] and also i am a student still learning and also who is really intrested in DIY and drumming but not backuped up by familey on anything like money etc.

so i was looking out on something that is cheap and can be made easily without lot of probs
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Re: Total Noob need some help

Postby dmitri » Wed Aug 12, 2009 9:10 am

You first need to look through the MegaDrum documentation, Having looked through you'll have most of your questions cleared, e.g. that MegaDrum uses USB and not a Serial port to connect to a computer and that it works with a computer "out of the box" without any "minor changes".
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Re: Total Noob need some help

Postby sdinesh86 » Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:45 am

thnx for that and sorry for taking your time, i could have searched through the web instead of asking on the first hand.
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Re: Total Noob need some help

Postby sdinesh86 » Sun Aug 16, 2009 6:36 am

hi i have searched on the internet and tried to get all the required stuff, i did get max components of it but couldnt find some of it

i couldnt find the IC sockets is it really necessaryor i can go without it.

if possible can u tell me what is really necessary from that list on the doc page and is there anything that i can omitt or buy later (eg the sockets and jacks ) or atleast suggest me some option for them.

when i first saw this i really wanted to make it but then i thought that it would cost me a lot but then after a small research i found that many of this things are avaliable in india and at low price which i really can afford

the total cost for this project for me in india is about 1000-1200 RS ( INR )

i am realy looking forward making this and putting it to use plz just let me know i if can drop anything out of this list
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Re: Total Noob need some help

Postby Firelord » Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:02 am

sdinesh86 wrote:i am realy looking forward making this and putting it to use plz just let me know i if can drop anything out of this list

First of all, check the components list PDF for both boards posted on the forum here. Some required parts are not included on the 'Buying components' page of the website.

Now, speaking of omitting stuff from the boards:

1. Look for the 4851 multiplexers for the analogue board. If you can get them, then you don't need the BAT85's and 100R resistors on the analogue board;
2. If you only plan to use MD only via USB, you can omit the 6N138N and the associated parts.

The IC sockets are optional, but they can save you a lot of time and effort in the event of MCU malfunction or in case of critical board defects. Without the sockets you'd have to place the MCU's and IC's directly on the PCB. So, imagine if you needed to unsolder the ATMega. That's 40 pins. A lot of work. And a danger of overheating the MCU. It's so much easier and safer to simply remove the MCU from the socket.
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Re: Total Noob need some help

Postby sdinesh86 » Sun Aug 16, 2009 6:44 pm

if i go ahead and omitt 6n138n then what i should do of the pins that are left blank should i keave it as it is or i need to connect it to something else (Ground it or etc.)
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Re: Total Noob need some help

Postby Firelord » Sun Aug 16, 2009 7:28 pm

sdinesh86 wrote:if i go ahead and omitt 6n138n then what i should do of the pins that are left blank should i keave it as it is or i need to connect it to something else (Ground it or etc.)

As far as I know, there is no need for additional connections in this case, so I'd say you should leave it as it is.
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