by kurtus420 » Fri Aug 28, 2009 9:10 pm
Hey guys, I used some double sided carpet tape(it's like a 1/32" thin plastic like tape) first which I cut into 1/4" wide strips, using the uncut side of the 1/4" strips I aligned it up perfectly along the inside edge of the lcd cutout all the way around, then I carefully stuck the lcd onto the back of the faceplate on top of the carpet tape which is what you see in the photo, once in place I used 5 min epoxy and a small applicator (zipty/tyrap in my case) and spread it along the inside face plate and lcd casing to ensure that it stays. I would just use a little epoxy though in case you need to replace your lcd screen in the future. Hope this makes sense. Kurt
PS-Thanks for the kind feedback!!
56 input Megadrum644, Tama Iron Cobra, Taye, Sonor, Roland, Yamaha, Gibraltar, Tascam.