vu meter problems

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vu meter problems

Postby atomburst » Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:11 pm

ok so my megadrum is all wired up and the lcd works with a good contrast and such. however when i turn it on with no inputs it goes to the megadrum page and then goes to the vu meters. im assuming that is good. however heres where i get annoyed. when i plug in a pad minto one of my inputs and turn megadrum on, it does the exact same thing and even if i hit pads or anything it doesnt change?

what has gone wrong?
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Re: vu meter problems

Postby dmitri » Fri Sep 18, 2009 2:38 pm

atomburst wrote:ok so my megadrum is all wired up and the lcd works with a good contrast and such. however when i turn it on with no inputs it goes to the megadrum page and then goes to the vu meters. im assuming that is good. however heres where i get annoyed. when i plug in a pad minto one of my inputs and turn megadrum on, it does the exact same thing and even if i hit pads or anything it doesnt change?

what has gone wrong?

Any of these:

1. Wrong pads wiring.
2. Bad connection between Analogue an Digital boards.
3. Incorrectly(reverse?) installed 4051 ICs.
4. Incorrectly soldered BAT diodes.
5. Shorts/breaks on the Analogue board.
6. Incorrect values of protection resistors on the inputs.
7. Incorrect non-default settings.
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Re: vu meter problems

Postby atomburst » Sat Sep 19, 2009 1:00 am

thanks dmitri,

i am using the all in one board so that would eliminate the problem between bad connections of the analogue and digital board.
and i have not used the megadrum yet would that eliminate the non-default settings? is there a way to restore these? also what about the Incorrect values of protection resistors on the inputs what are these?
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Re: vu meter problems

Postby Firelord » Sat Sep 19, 2009 7:33 am

atomburst wrote:i am using the all in one board

I.e. a Synthex kit or just the design?
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Re: vu meter problems

Postby atomburst » Sun Sep 20, 2009 4:32 am

a synthex kit
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Re: vu meter problems

Postby Firelord » Sun Sep 20, 2009 12:04 pm

Did you check your USB connection? These things are probably not related, but just to be sure. You can use MCT or MIDI-OX to test it.

Also you might want to check whether the signal from the inputs is reaching the MUXes (with a multimeter using the continuity test while MD is powered off).
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Re: vu meter problems

Postby gabriel1712 » Wed Sep 23, 2009 10:21 am

atomburst wrote:when i turn it on with no inputs it goes to the megadrum page and then goes to the vu meters. im assuming that is good.

Yes, it's good.

When i plug in a pad minto one of my inputs and turn megadrum on, it does the exact same thing and even if i hit pads or anything it doesnt change?

What do you mean, it doesn't change? The hit doesn't register on the VU? Or the screen doesn't shift to the screen of the pad you're hitting?
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