Megadrum works! but I have a few questions.

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Megadrum works! but I have a few questions.

Postby Venimal » Tue Sep 22, 2009 3:46 am

So, I built my megadrum, and it is almost done. I just need to sodder the keyboard together, however I did manage to try out a DIY snare I put together (cross bar/foam cone style) and I have a few questions about it. I do NOT have the latest firmware, because I haven't put together the keyboard, but I don't think the problems I am having are related to that. As far as my settings, I pretty much followed the settings here... viewtopic.php?f=4&t=761 ...and I got it to respond really well. It rolls really well, and all in all functions well. there are problems, but I'm not sure if it's my DIY prototype, or if it's something I can fix in Superior or MCT.

Here we go,

Firstly, it seems that the sensitivity works really well for light hits, but I think it escalades to much, because a half hit is a full on hit. I've tried all the curve levels, but I haven't had much success with them.

Secondly, and this might just be the nature of the cone method, if you strike the center (where the cone is) with anything more then a tap it comes out as a loud hit.

Thirdly, although i am sure it's the way I have the piezo set up for the rim, it hardly ever triggers by itself. Most of the time, I hear a click and snare hit at the same time.

I'll answer any questions you ask to my fullest potential.
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Re: Megadrum works! but I have a few questions.

Postby gabriel1712 » Tue Sep 22, 2009 6:39 am

Congrats on your MegaDrum, Venimal

Sound like you're having a hot pad. Search the documentation and the forum for countering hot pads. There's a couple of setting (lower Gain, threshold auto-testing, 'All Gains Low') you can try before resorting to the hardware solutions (dampering the piezo or divide the voltage).
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Re: Megadrum works! but I have a few questions.

Postby elrules » Tue Sep 22, 2009 7:20 am

You have a hot pad, and inside the pad, you have also the problem of the hot spot (cone too loud). You have to tense the mesh quite decently, and have the cone with an upper surface of a 8mm diameter circle, having the top over the edge of the pad only by 1 or 2 mm (that means when you put the mesh on, it will touch the cone, but very smoothly, without almost pressing it down.

In the module you can try setting All gains low to Yes and see if the pad is still hot. If the pad is still hot, you will have to install a voltage divider (consisting of 2 resistors) in the pad, between the module and the piezo.

For the edge piezo, f you have a converted acoustic tom to e-snare, I recommend you to put the edge piezo like this:

With the piezo sticked with double sided foam tape to an L-piece, screwed to one nut.
More info and photos on this thread:
(yeah, that's my kit ;) )

Good luck
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Re: Megadrum works! but I have a few questions.

Postby Ale.A » Tue Sep 22, 2009 7:06 pm

What's your cone made of, which material?
I think it's important to find the right sensibility... I'm still looking for a good material
Thank you
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Re: Megadrum works! but I have a few questions.

Postby kurtus420 » Tue Sep 22, 2009 7:54 pm

soft poron foam is the best stuff to use, perferably with an adhesive on one side.
Ale.A wrote:What's your cone made of, which material?
I think it's important to find the right sensibility... I'm still looking for a good material
Thank you
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