Optical Hi-hat issue

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Optical Hi-hat issue

Postby jman 31 » Fri Oct 02, 2009 11:25 pm

So, this may not be related to optical at all. I plug a stereo cable into the hi-hat pedal plug and it begins to show continuous midi activity without even plugging a controller in at all. I checked the cord and there is no faulty continuity which leads me to believe that it is either the MD board or the v.1.8 input board. I tried it awhile back and thought it might be the Hi-Hat controller, but now I am not so sure. When I plug the cable into the MD it immediately acts up. The MD no longer responds to the buttons until I unplug it and reboot the MD.

Any thoughts?

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Re: Optical Hi-hat issue

Postby dmitri » Sat Oct 03, 2009 10:50 am

jman 31 wrote:So, this may not be related to optical at all. I plug a stereo cable into the hi-hat pedal plug and it begins to show continuous midi activity without even plugging a controller in at all. I checked the cord and there is no faulty continuity which leads me to believe that it is either the MD board or the v.1.8 input board. I tried it awhile back and thought it might be the Hi-Hat controller, but now I am not so sure.

You can check voltages on the pedal input with the cable plugged in.

When I plug the cable into the MD it immediately acts up. The MD no longer responds to the buttons until I unplug it and reboot the MD.

If "QuickAccess" is set to Yes and MegaDrum reads the pedal as closed or almost closed, the Left/Right buttons are being deactivated and Up/Down load next/previous drum map.
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Re: Optical Hi-hat issue

Postby jman 31 » Sat Oct 03, 2009 4:25 pm

Thanks Dmitri, that is exactly what is happening. The up and down quick access buttons are working, but the left/right buttons don't. I will see about that as soon as I get a chance.

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Re: Optical Hi-hat issue

Postby jman 31 » Sat Oct 03, 2009 6:40 pm

Got full up and full down on my optical controller, but no in between sounds. Now starts the search for a good setup. Does anyone have any tried and true optical hat settings?
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Re: Optical Hi-hat issue

Postby dmitri » Sat Oct 03, 2009 8:32 pm

jman 31 wrote:Got full up and full down on my optical controller, but no in between sounds.

What in between sounds did you expect?

Now starts the search for a good setup. Does anyone have any tried and true optical hat settings?

For me, LowLevel at 250 and HighLevel at 800 with all other Pedal settings at defaults works fine. The Low/HighLevels will greatly vary between different optical controllers due to the fact that levels will depend on components used, distances between photo elements and etc. You will have to find the right Low/HighLevel settings for your optical controller yourself. Levels detected with AutoLevels set to Yes is a good starting point.
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Re: Optical Hi-hat issue

Postby jman 31 » Sat Oct 03, 2009 11:10 pm

I guess I was really talking about the chick sound. I said that wrong. Not being a drummer, I don't exactly know the terminology for it. I may still be wrong....what I am talking about is the sound you get without striking the pad, just the two cymbals hitting together.
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Re: Optical Hi-hat issue

Postby dmitri » Sun Oct 04, 2009 12:51 pm

jman 31 wrote:I guess I was really talking about the chick sound. I said that wrong. Not being a drummer, I don't exactly know the terminology for it. I may still be wrong....what I am talking about is the sound you get without striking the pad, just the two cymbals hitting together.

It is a chick sound when you reasonably quickly press the pedal. So, are you having a problem with getting a chick sound? Then describe in details what you do to get it and what your settings are.
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Re: Optical Hi-hat issue

Postby jman 31 » Sun Oct 04, 2009 3:03 pm

Thanks again Dmitri. I am getting three different sounds now.

I get:
1. Pedal depressed (no strike)
2. Strike Hat only (no pedal)
3. Press pedal and strike hat

Here are my settings. I may have everything I can get, I'm just not sure what "everything" is. :oops:

With my Alesis DM-5 module, I get these three same things. I assumed with a variable hat that I would get more options, so that is my dilemma.
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Re: Optical Hi-hat issue

Postby dmitri » Sun Oct 04, 2009 4:29 pm

jman 31 wrote:With my Alesis DM-5 module, I get these three same things. I assumed with a variable hat that I would get more options, so that is my dilemma.

You can only get more intermediate sounds with a sound module/drum module/synthesizer which understands CC messages coming from MegaDrum for all Intermediate HH pedal positions.
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Re: Optical Hi-hat issue

Postby jman 31 » Sun Oct 04, 2009 4:32 pm

OK that makes sense. I guess the next step is to get a good drum synth.

Thanks again for your time Dmitri! Much appreciated!!! 8-)
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