Woohaa! I finally received my rotary encoders!

..and as usual I'm clueless of how to connect anything by looking at schematics.
I'll provide as much info and pictures as possible so that any of you knowledgeable and helping souls can show me the path without much effort.
Synthex schematic of how to connect the encoders:

Encoders Connector :
1 - Encoder Left / Right (pin 4)
2 - Encoder Left / Right (pin 2)
3 - GND (pin 1, 3)
4 - Encoder Up / Down (pin 2)
5 - Encoder Up / Down (pin 4)
My two rotary encoders are: ALPS STEC11B02
http://www.conrad-uk.com/goto.php?artikel=700696There is a link to the data sheet for the rotary encoders (
http://www2.produktinfo.conrad.com/date ... C11B02.pdf)
but it doesn't say me much. Here's a picture of an extract from the data sheet:

I love visual explanations. A picture can say more than a thousand words
I've prepared a picture for someone willing to draw the connections from my two rotary encoders to the synthex board: