Loccufier's Megadrum Attempt

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Loccufier's Megadrum Attempt

Postby Loccufier » Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:06 pm

Ok, I've ordered a full Synthex kit, and even though it is still under its way, I'm starting my build log here to firstly gather some ideas.

My first problem is, I'm not sure about the casing.
I want to use Megadrum with a laptop, I'm planning to get a macbook pro next summer, for my studies, for now I'm using a windows laptop.
To be able to use the megadrum live at gigs, I'm also going to need my presonus FP10 so I have 8 balanced outputs for the PA.

Now, I want to have acces to both the Megadrum and the FP10, as well as the laptop.

I was thinking to put my megadrum in a 1U rack enclosure, but I find that a rather expensive solution, given a 1U 19" rack enclosure doesn't really come cheap. The only one I can find online, is this one at Thomann: http://www.thomann.de/be/adam_hall_8740 ... haeuse.htm for €44 + €8 shipping.
Adding a 2U rack to install the units in and make them roadworthy, + providing a place to put my laptop (on the rack) means I have to spend about €120 to enlosures.
It might be worth it, but for now, I don't have the money.
If anybody would come up with a cheaper solution to house my Megadrum56 and to be able to place it in range together with a laptop and an FP10, I'd like to hear it.

That is all for now, I'm not sure when I'll get my hands on the package Synthex sent. He sais he shipped it today, He's in France, I'm in Belgium, will it arrive tomorrow?
I' hope it will, I'l start putting that think together immediately, taking pictures of my progress and sharing them here.

So, if there are any ideas, shoot!


I've received Synthex package, and I'm going to start building my Megadrum. I'll document the whole process, So others may find this worklog usefull for their own build.

I'm building the 56i v3.1 by Synthex, I have the main PCB & the I/O PCB's.

When there is an update, I'll update this post too to provide links to the update posts.


UPDATE 1 (06/11/2009): Unpacking + Keyboard

UPDATE 2 (06/11/2009): Main PCB & LCD

UPDATE 3 (08/11/2009): Power Switch/Power Selection
Last edited by Loccufier on Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:08 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Loccufier's Megadrum Attempt

Postby jman 31 » Fri Oct 30, 2009 12:41 am

I don't have any enclosure advice, but good luck with your build!
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UPDATE 1 (06/11/2009)

Postby Loccufier » Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:41 pm

UPDATE 1 (06/11/2009)


I received Synthex's package, very well and safely packed today. Started building instantly!



I was a little overwhelmed by all the tiny little parts, started with the most simple PCB: the keyboard.




The solderings don't look very nice, but I'm getting better at soldering. :)

Afterwards I realised I should have used the connector socket elsewhere, I didn't check on how many of those I had.
Last edited by Loccufier on Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Loccufier's Megadrum Attempt

Postby jman 31 » Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:47 pm

Looks to me that you need to heat the part a little longer before applying solder. Practice on a non-essential item if possible. Also, hard to tell, but it looks like you may be using too much solder. Have fun and take your time! 8-)
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UPDATE 2 (06/11/2009)

Postby Loccufier » Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:56 pm

UPDATE 2 (06/11/2009)


Next up was the Megadrum itself. With the help of info I found on this forum it wasn't that hard to find where all the parts have to go. I did check if I was putting the piece in the right place more than once before soldering.

I figured I should start with the smallest pieces, so they would fit easily and stay in place when I turn the PCB upside down to solder.





My soldering skills are improving :)

Finished soldering the main PCB :D

I also soldered the cable to the LCD screen. It might be more functional to solder the cable to the other side, but than it is harder to reach the solderings.

I also did a quick test, connected the main PCB to my computer.
The computer immedeately recognized the PCB as a Megadrum Midi device. I'm happy :D

Unfortunately however, my soldering iron failed me. the tip is gone, it is just a flat surface now. I can't use it anymore. I'll have to pick up a new one :/

I also have a question: I want to make a power switch to power the module on and off, leaving it connected to a computer.
What is the best way to do this?
Should I put a switch between the USB ON sockets on the PCB, or replace the jumper on the power selection by a switch?
Keep in mind that I might want to use a power supply as well, If I'm using the Megadrum with a Midi Device. The same switch should power the MD on and off when connected to a power supply too.
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Re: Loccufier's Megadrum Attempt

Postby rockdude » Sat Nov 07, 2009 6:51 pm

Wow you're working fast Loccufier. Nice build! Keep posting pictures.
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Re: Loccufier's Megadrum Attempt

Postby jman 31 » Sat Nov 07, 2009 7:05 pm

If you want to rejuvenate your soldering iron, you can file a new point on it. I do it all the time and it gives you a lot more life out of a tip.

For power supply selection, you can use a on/off/on switch and wire the three poles to the three poles on the power selection header. Center pin of the switch to center pin of the header.
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UPDATE 3 (08/11/2009)

Postby Loccufier » Sun Nov 08, 2009 12:30 pm

UPDATE 3 (08/11/2009)


I don't have a on/off/on switch, but I do have 2 on/on switches.

Ill do it like this:

Switch one(S1): power selection
Switch two(S2): on/off



This should work, right?

Edit: nevermind, I tested it, it works. :)
Last edited by Loccufier on Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Loccufier's Megadrum Attempt

Postby jman 31 » Sun Nov 08, 2009 1:29 pm

Good one. That is a excellent alternative.
jman 31
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Re: Loccufier's Megadrum Attempt

Postby Loccufier » Mon Nov 09, 2009 5:30 pm

I was wondering , would a 4.5V 200+mA Power Supply work?
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