kimouette wrote:
The above drawing shows what I was planning to do (use my cymbal as half of the switches, add a 10k resistor to the edge switch etc...). But I did a mistake while feeling too confident about the wiring
I have also grounded the bell switch
I have some pretty messed up signals in Midi-Ox, but before I start to sort out all these little problems one by one, I'd like to know if grounding the bell switch might be causing the messed up signal? If so, I guess I'll have to start over!
davem wrote:Okay, so I have one PCY-150S working fairly well, but I have a very strange problem with the edge... basically edge/choke is not working. But when I press down on the bell film switch, the choke enables?!? I've checked my other PCY-150S, works fine on the same input and cables etc, and tried different inputs too just to make sure it wasn't a MD problem. Anyone ever had this happen?
kurtus420 wrote:Dave, Have you tried to adjust your edge threshold higher with that cymbal?davem wrote:Okay, so I have one PCY-150S working fairly well, but I have a very strange problem with the edge... basically edge/choke is not working. But when I press down on the bell film switch, the choke enables?!? I've checked my other PCY-150S, works fine on the same input and cables etc, and tried different inputs too just to make sure it wasn't a MD problem. Anyone ever had this happen?
Espen wrote:So, are there some suggested parameters for the PCY-155 cymbal?
I've messed a while with one and couln't get the bell/edge separation. My current values are:
RideB Threshold: 20 (for to get good sensitivity)
RideB Gain: 8 (because all of my pads are quite hot anyway)
RideE Threshold: 60 (great separation between bow and edge)
RideE Gain: 8
Off course I have "RideB Dual Head: Yes" and "RideE Type: Switch" too.
Are there some other parameters that must be considered? The pot of the cymbal maybe? I have it as sensitive as it can be.
The problem is that when I change the value of BThreshold from 0 to 1, MD only sends the BNote for bell and edge.
dmitri wrote:Raising the gain you're making a hot pad problem worse. For hot pads you really should lower Gain levels.
You don't really need to raise Gain level for switch inputs. It only effects at which Threshold the switch is detected to make/break. With the Gain set to 4 (default) I get a perfect separation between the edge and the bell with Threshold set to 40 and BThreshold set to 20.
Is it really so? Without BThreshold set above 0 the bell won't work. What Threshold and BThreshold settings do you get if you follow ... one-cymbal ?
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