U.S. parts location

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

U.S. parts location

Postby atmega-ist » Sun Dec 13, 2009 4:11 am


I'm so excited to have discovered MD and cannot WAIT to get things up and running! I've sorted out what I've got and what I need component-wise but am having some trouble filling in all the gaps. Could anyone recommend a U.S. supplier that carries at least most of the items in the parts list? I'm fine with hitting local stores for the small things (resistors/caps/etc...) but the IC's, controls, diodes, etc... seem to be quite spread out. I'd like to find these w/ the rest of the bigger items (LCD, USB conn, etc...) all together if I could to minimize shipping.

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Re: U.S. parts location

Postby dmitri » Sun Dec 13, 2009 10:24 am

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Re: U.S. parts location

Postby atmega-ist » Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:10 pm

wow. thanks a MILLION for the mouser recommendation. i have no idea how i hadn't yet come across that.

everything seems to be matching as far as specs are concerned but the crystals seem to have a slight capacitance difference. i have a feeling that this is negligible but just thought i'd ask to be sure. here are the two i've located:



do these look ok?

thanks so much for your help!
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Re: U.S. parts location

Postby dmitri » Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:22 pm

Both crystals are fine.
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Re: U.S. parts location

Postby atmega-ist » Tue Dec 22, 2009 1:58 am


Thanks so much!

Ordered almost all of the parts from mouser.

Apologies for all of the questions but i've accidentally ordered this encoder:

http://mouser.com/Search/ProductDetail. ... 09E1524404

everything seems to match except for the dimensions (which i'll just wire-in to compensate for size) and a few other values. I'm comparing them by datasheets found here:

megadrum site's link:

mouser's link (the one i incorrectly bought):

Thank you so much for your help.


Just wondering if anyone could recommend any specifications on the piezo sensors (size, value(s), output, etc... just whatever would be pertinent to MegaDrum's needs).

(edit): will these work? http://mouser.com/ProductDetail/Murata/7BB-20-6L0/?qs=sGAEpiMZZMup7tjzoikJdmWEJCYr5jMw
I'm ok with all of the concepts and usage but have never actually implemented them before and am having a bit of trouble zeroing in on what I need to buy exactly. Links will do fine. No need to waste anyone's time with too much info.


I know that the conventional hole size for PCBs is .035" but I've found a .033" and .038" bit without much luck on a .035" (trying to stick to Mouser as I've got some other items and am trying to minimize shipping). Is this too far out of spec? (Didn't think a few thousandths of an inch would matter but hey - can't be too careful).

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Re: U.S. parts location

Postby dmitri » Tue Dec 22, 2009 10:58 am

atmega-ist wrote:Dimitri:

Thanks so much!

Ordered almost all of the parts from mouser.

Apologies for all of the questions but i've accidentally ordered this encoder:

http://mouser.com/Search/ProductDetail. ... 09E1524404

It will most likely work just fine. Why did you choose such an expensive one? Encoders are optional after all.
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Re: U.S. parts location

Postby atmega-ist » Wed Dec 23, 2009 2:47 am

It will most likely work just fine. Why did you choose such an expensive one? Encoders are optional after all.

as far as choosing to incorporate the component itself, we're just looking to go ahead and include everything we can at first to make it more versatile in the long run. as for the specific selection of encoder, i'm afraid i dont have an answer, lol. it actually confused us a bit as well. i had my brother read the invoice while i double-checked the prices/quantities shipped and when he said $6 there was definitely a :shock: face. also, it's not threaded for mounting... we must've just completely mentally checked out for that sequence of mouse clicks in ordering... haha - everything else is spot on, though so i guess that'll be our one "well, crap" experience.

should be up and running soon. thank you so much for your help!
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