deleted firmware, and megadrum cannot connect to pc

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deleted firmware, and megadrum cannot connect to pc

Postby atomburst » Sun May 15, 2011 11:29 am

hi guys,

recently i have accidently deleted my firmware, this would not be such a problem except that now my megadrum is not recognised by my PC. every time i turn it off and on again, windows prepares to install the software and i get an error "One of the usb devices attactched to this computer has malfunctioned and windows does not recognise it." The megadrum has power to it via usb connection, however the pc cannot recognise anything coming from the Megadrum. i am not using the midi ports.
i have looked on the forums, have searched google and read through the documentations, as well as trying to update the bootloader via the mdm, mct and the command line. i have also tried plugging the megadrum into multiple computers but to no avail.

i have the all-in-one synthex board v2.8 and am not running your latest encrypted bootloader chip.

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Re: deleted firmware, and megadrum cannot connect to pc

Postby dmitri » Sun May 15, 2011 11:43 am

What firmware did you delete? How did you delete it?
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Re: deleted firmware, and megadrum cannot connect to pc

Postby atomburst » Sun May 15, 2011 12:00 pm

i think my previous version was:
however as it gone i cannot check and it has been a LONG time since i last updated.

i deleted it because i held the left button whilst i turned my megadrum on, forgetting that it removes the previous firmware.
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Re: deleted firmware, and megadrum cannot connect to pc

Postby dmitri » Sun May 15, 2011 1:32 pm

MegaDrum firmware has nothing to do with USB detection.
Your problem is one of this:
1. Your PC OS is mulfunctioning. Try another PC.
2. Your PC USB port is mulfunctioning. Try another PC.
3. You have a break/short on the board or bad soldering.
4. Faulty USB cable.
5. PIC18F2550 is mulfunctioning. Check that your PIC is loaded with correct firmware and the schematic matches the up-to-date schematic: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=266.
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Re: deleted firmware, and megadrum cannot connect to pc

Postby atomburst » Mon May 16, 2011 10:02 am

i had already tried multiple computers and different operating systems. my megadrum has connected to this same pc before, it only stopped recognising it when the firmware was removed.

how do i check if the pic18f2550 has the correct firmware? but it should because it is a synthex kit....

would buying your copy protected chip fix this problem? also if i bought the new chip would i need to make any changed to my v2.8 board?
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Re: deleted firmware, and megadrum cannot connect to pc

Postby dmitri » Mon May 16, 2011 11:26 am

atomburst wrote:i had already tried multiple computers and different operating systems. my megadrum has connected to this same pc before, it only stopped recognising it when the firmware was removed.

Coincidence. USB should be detected even without Atmega present.
how do i check if the pic18f2550 has the correct firmware? but it should because it is a synthex kit....

Old Synthex's kits had an error on the board and in the PIC firmware which may cause USB to stop working.

would buying your copy protected chip fix this problem? also if i bought the new chip would i need to make any changed to my v2.8 board?

No, it won't fix your problem. Your problem is with the PIC. Load the latest PIC18F2550 firmware and make sure your board is modified to pull the pin 26 of the PIC to the ground over a 47k resistor. If you search the forum you will find the explanation.
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Re: deleted firmware, and megadrum cannot connect to pc

Postby atomburst » Mon May 16, 2011 2:09 pm

it worked XD thank you dmitri.

for all others, i fixed my problem by connecting pin 26 to a resistor and then ground anywhere on the board.
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Re: deleted firmware, and megadrum cannot connect to pc

Postby atomburst » Tue May 17, 2011 7:56 am

ok so now my pc recognises megadrum. but i am still unable to update it. when i open the megadrum manager with "initialize ports on start" ticked, when i open it, 2 error screen pop up showing:

"error trying to open midi in port"
"error trying to open midi out port"

the megadrum is selected as the midi devices both for in and out midi ports.

i have also tried to use the megadrum config tool, but the same problem witht hat stating an error:
"unable to initialize midi in device"

i have also tried midi OX, i do not get any errors, but i have left it for a while and nothing seems to happen.
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Re: deleted firmware, and megadrum cannot connect to pc

Postby dmitri » Tue May 17, 2011 9:02 am

Make sure only one program accesses MIDI ports at any given time.
Btw, MDM won't load firmware into your MegaDrum.
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Re: deleted firmware, and megadrum cannot connect to pc

Postby atomburst » Tue May 17, 2011 11:37 am

oh that was the problem, i needed to restart my pc to stop all midi activity and i was able to reinstall firmware onto my megadrum using midi OX.

now the last problem is that megadrum manager still give me the error:

"failed to open midi port in: usb megadrum"
"failed to open midi port out: usb megadrum"

so close D:
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