NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Conf

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NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Conf

Postby Alworx » Sun May 15, 2011 2:22 pm

Hi @all,
i have a similar problem like the one found here: (Missing NoteOff messages).
Some days ago i suddenly had the Midi communication working through USB, but only for one evening... So i started testing around and trying to reproduce the problem, which somehow reminds me to this issue:

What i've found out:
1) When "AutoLoad Conf" is set to yes, the NoteOn/NoteOff messages are kind of reversed - after the first hit only a NoteOn message is sent, following hits start with a NoteOff message and afterwards a NoteOn message is sent. This bevaviour is only related to USB communication, Midi In and Out are both working perfectly, regardless of the AutoLoad Conf setting.
2) Setting "AutoLoad Conf" to no, the NoteOn and NoteOff messages are sent as expected. Even if i load the config manually using "Load config 1", the messages are not reversed and MD is working fine...

During testing, i used no Midi In or Out cables, only USB and one Pad. I tried it on several PCs (Win7 x86, Win7, x64, 2x WinXP), with several USB cables, without changes.
To my MD: I've built the PCBs with prototype boards, having a slightly different PCB arrangement: one for USB & Midi sockets, one microcontroller board, and a single board for each muxer with 4 Jacks. I'll post some photos later. It's an AtMega644 with the most recent firmware 20110510 (i had the issue on previous versions too), and the Pic 2550 with the last firmware. I had nothing but MidiOX running on the PC's and Midi thru not activated on MD, neiter on PC.

Any help, hint or comment is highly appreciated!
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Re: NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Con

Postby dmitri » Mon May 16, 2011 11:13 am

Alworx wrote:Hi @all,
i have a similar problem like the one found here: (Missing NoteOff messages).

This issue was caused by the MIDI loop created in MIDI-OX and it is pointed out in the above topic. This is the reply I sent to MarcMooga after testing the board.

dmitri wrote:Hi Marc,

I received the board today. As I expected the board is fine although I was able to reproduce the problem with missing note off messages. The pointer was this post: viewtopic.php?p=18031#p18031
After I intentionally created a MIDI loop in MIDI-OX, hitting a pad a few times and than breaking the loop (by either disabling MIDI Out or correcting View->Port Routings in MIDI-OX) I saw the same behaviour with missing note off messages. The only way to restore the proper MegaDrum operation after that is to power cycle MegaDrum (disconnect/reconnect a USB cable). After that all MIDI messages are sent by MegaDrum properly.
Obviously, creating a MIDI loop with MIDI data in the loop, even temporary, knocks off MegaDrum internal memory buffers and its behaviour after this is unpredictable.

I will send the board back on Thursday as I am away tomorrow.


This is why I introduced the "MIDIThru Enbld" option in the firmware version 20110330. If your problem is the same - disable "MIDIThru Enbld" or break the MIDI loop.

Some days ago i suddenly had the Midi communication working through USB, but only for one evening... So i started testing around and trying to reproduce the problem, which somehow reminds me to this issue:

What i've found out:
1) When "AutoLoad Conf" is set to yes, the NoteOn/NoteOff messages are kind of reversed - after the first hit only a NoteOn message is sent, following hits start with a NoteOff message and afterwards a NoteOn message is sent. This bevaviour is only related to USB communication, Midi In and Out are both working perfectly, regardless of the AutoLoad Conf setting.
2) Setting "AutoLoad Conf" to no, the NoteOn and NoteOff messages are sent as expected. Even if i load the config manually using "Load config 1", the messages are not reversed and MD is working fine...

So, if I follow these steps without creating a MIDI loop you are sure I will see this issue?
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Re: NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Con

Postby Alworx » Mon May 16, 2011 11:59 am

dmitri wrote:This is why I introduced the "MIDIThru Enbld" option in the firmware version 20110330. If your problem is the same - disable "MIDIThru Enbld" or break the MIDI loop.

I've followed the thread and tried the solution on my setup too, but unfortunately without success.
The MIDIThru is always disabled on my MD, same for Midi OX. When testing with MDM, i have the "Use same Midi In/Out" option checked. I'm pretty sure i have not created a midi-loop so far, but i'll double-check in the evening to make sure i'm not wasting your time.

dimitri wrote:So, if I follow these steps without creating a MIDI loop you are sure I will see this issue?

If the problem would occur with your design, i guess it would have been discussed in the forum. As i suppose this problem occurs only on my particular MD, i was just hoping for a hint that could point me to my design's failure...

Anyways i'll post some photos (and possibly videos) in the evening to allow a more detailed view on my problem.
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Re: NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Con

Postby Alworx » Mon May 16, 2011 10:23 pm

I've one more time checked for midi loops and for shorts/breaks on communications lines (rx/tx, d+/d-) and couldn't find a problem...

Dimitri, would you possibly have a short look on the video i've uploaded?

I'm really stuck with this issue...

(I've also attached two pictures of my MD although i'm not sure if they are of any interest)

Thanks a lot!
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Re: NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Con

Postby dmitri » Tue May 17, 2011 12:20 am

I don't see in the video that before power cycling MegaDrum you first write a known good working config before/after setting AutoLoad Conf to Yes.
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Re: NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Con

Postby Alworx » Tue May 17, 2011 2:50 pm

dmitri wrote:I don't see in the video that before power cycling MegaDrum you first write a known good working config before/after setting AutoLoad Conf to Yes.

Not in this video, you're right. I'll upload one more video showing that i power up with right button pressed to load default config and the save config to slot 1 (if that is what you would meant?).

Should i also save the default settings to the other slots, and should i change max inputs before saving the default config or not touch it at all?
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Re: NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Con

Postby dmitri » Tue May 17, 2011 3:23 pm

Show it with saving the default config. It'll be easier for me to reproduce.
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Re: NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Con

Postby Alworx » Tue May 17, 2011 11:26 pm

Here's the new video:

1) Booting up with default settings
2) Saving default settings to EEPROM
3) Set AutoLoad Conf to Yes
4) Hit pads, messages ok
5) Reboot
6) Hit pads, messages reversed

(btw... you'll maybe notice in the video that after booting up with default settings the up/down rotary encoder doesn't work... is this only on my MD or have you encountered this on any of your MDs? Not that it's important or a problem for me, just asking! When not loading the default config with button right at startup, both encoders are working fine on my MD)

Thanks for your time (and patience :))
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Re: NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Con

Postby dmitri » Wed May 18, 2011 9:10 am

Alworx wrote:Here's the new video:

1) Booting up with default settings
2) Saving default settings to EEPROM
3) Set AutoLoad Conf to Yes
4) Hit pads, messages ok
5) Reboot
6) Hit pads, messages reversed

I'll try to reproduce it tonight.

(btw... you'll maybe notice in the video that after booting up with default settings the up/down rotary encoder doesn't work... is this only on my MD or have you encountered this on any of your MDs? Not that it's important or a problem for me, just asking! When not loading the default config with button right at startup, both encoders are working fine on my MD)

When booting with the Right key pressed, the encoders and the led are disabled on purpose.
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Re: NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Con

Postby Alworx » Wed May 18, 2011 10:33 am

dmitri wrote:I'll try to reproduce it tonight.

Thanks a lot!

dmitri wrote:When booting with the Right key pressed, the encoders and the led are disabled on purpose.

Ah, i see. May I ask for the reason, just for interest? As i've seen left/right is enabled, only up/down is disabled.
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