NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Conf

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Re: NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Con

Postby Alworx » Thu May 19, 2011 10:14 am

dmitri wrote:Another possibility, and in fact more likely, is that your PIC is playing up. Try to reprogram it, check for bad soldering/connection around it.

That was my first thought too. I have reprogrammed it some times, but I'll give it a try anyway tonight, maybe with different software versions.
Last time i've programmed it (recent release with USB speed addon), the programmer didn't come up with any errors (except of the verify error after programming config, which is a common issue and to ignore as far as i know).
And i'll of course check the connections around it.
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Re: NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Con

Postby sdman » Fri Jun 17, 2011 5:45 am

you are not alone with that problem. I do have the same with my 56 full kit. But it happens not every time. Rebooting OS and MD is a workaround. But the problem exists and id be glad to figure it out. :)
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Re: NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Con

Postby Alworx » Fri Jun 17, 2011 8:20 am

Good to hear i'm not alone :)
Is your kit bought and/or built from Dimitri?

As i was pretty busy the last weeks, i've not done any new tests so far. I only tried to reprogram the PIC and checked for bad connections, but didn't come to new conclusions.

Did you try different PCs/OSs yet?

I hope we can sort this out with combined forces :)
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Re: NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Con

Postby dmitri » Fri Jun 17, 2011 9:01 am

sdman wrote:you are not alone with that problem. I do have the same with my 56 full kit. But it happens not every time. Rebooting OS and MD is a workaround.

Than it is not the same problem since Alworx can reproduce it every time and rebooting MD doesn't help.
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Re: NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Con

Postby Alworx » Fri Jun 17, 2011 9:47 am

dmitri wrote:
sdman wrote:you are not alone with that problem. I do have the same with my 56 full kit. But it happens not every time. Rebooting OS and MD is a workaround.

Than it is not the same problem since Alworx can reproduce it every time and rebooting MD doesn't help.

I agree - but sharing thoughts could point both of us to a mistake we made (at least i'm hoping to gain new insights...).

What i recently thought about was timing issues... For example, i guess loading the configuration from EEPROM during startup consumes more time compared to a default-settings boot, therefore changing the the boot time.
But - on the other hand - the PIC and the ATMEGA don't do any initial or non-MIDI communication, right? I mean those two controllers are only connected via RS232 and they don't exchange anything but MIDI messages, do they?
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Re: NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Con

Postby dmitri » Fri Jun 17, 2011 9:57 am

Alworx wrote:I mean those two controllers are only connected via RS232 and they don't exchange anything but MIDI messages, do they?

That's right.
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Re: NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Con

Postby sdman » Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:04 am

Alworx wrote:Good to hear i'm not alone :)
Is your kit bought and/or built from Dimitri?


Alworx wrote:Did you try different PCs/OSs yet?

No, because i found a workaround for me. And i have not tested actual messages from MD.

I just get unexpected sound when the note has to get off (if i set noteoffdelay to 2000 i can hear it clearly, and the red LED flashes 2 seconds after i played a note on my pad)

And my AutoLoadconfig is YES.

My workaround is turn off MD, reboot OS, and after it has been loaded i turn MD on. After that MD works properly.
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Re: NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Con

Postby Leon » Fri Jul 15, 2011 4:57 pm

I have the same problem. But I realised what is happening now. When starting up Megadrum I realised that with the first hit only the "on" note get registered. Then when you hit the pad again it only complete the previous hit first, by regestering the "off" note from the previous hit and then only do the "on" note from the last hit. Somehow the "off" note is not triggered by Megadrum, as I tried it on three diffrent machines, 2 diffrent OS's. Dmitri, is there maybe one of the components that is causing this?? (I replaced the following components but still get the same result: PIC and the 4051 chips.
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Re: NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Con

Postby dmitri » Fri Jul 15, 2011 5:47 pm

I don't know what could be causing it. I need to be able to reproduce the problem. As of now I cannot reproduce the problem even following steps suggested in this topic.
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Re: NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Con

Postby timekeeper » Fri Jul 15, 2011 6:47 pm

Yesterday I played for about 3 hours with my Megadrum and Addictive Drums, everything was smooth with no audible latency. But today, when I powered on my Megadrum I got this "Note Off First" problem. But I had not changed anything! Then, I moved Megadrum to another PC, but still I had the same issue... What I did, was to flash the latest 20110706 firmware and the problem disappeared... Moreover, I noticed that after the update (reflash since I was already on 20110706) MaxInputs was set to 32 (which was my choice) and not 18 which is the default value. Is that ok?
I didn't use Midi-Ox but MDManager.
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