NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Conf

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Re: NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Con

Postby timekeeper » Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:43 pm

megadrum644_56_20110716_timekeeper2 was steady but I managed to reproduce the problem. But, when I restarted my PC the problem was gone, something that was not a must with 20110706 and 20110716.

megadrum644_56_20110716_timekeeper3 on the other hand was rock steady. I wasn't able to reproduce the problem in any way! I believe this is it Dmitri.

You didn't comment on my opinion about replacing the PIC, so apparently you think it's irrelevant, right?

Anyway, thank you for all your hard work Dmitri!
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Re: NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Con

Postby dmitri » Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:10 pm

timekeeper wrote:You didn't comment on my opinion about replacing the PIC, so apparently you think it's irrelevant, right?

It may be relevant or may be not. It is related to start up timing so even for 2 PIC182550 chips with the same firmware the results may be different. Right now I'm testing with PIC182550 just as you and as you can see you can re-produce the problem with a given firmware version where I cannot. Your PIC is like worst case scenario so I'm testing against it.

Btw, I found another small bug along the way. I will shortly publish a version which will include a fix for the topic's problem from megadrum644_56_20110716_timekeeper3 and the fix for a bug I found.
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Re: NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Con

Postby timekeeper » Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:12 pm

dmitri wrote:
timekeeper wrote:You didn't comment on my opinion about replacing the PIC, so apparently you think it's irrelevant, right?

It may be relevant or may be not. It is related to start up timing so even for 2 PIC182550 chips with the same firmware the results may be different. Right now I'm testing with PIC182550 just as you and as you can see you can re-produce the problem with a given firmware version where I cannot. Your PIC is like worst case scenario so I'm testing against it.

Btw, I found another small bug along the way. I will shortly publish a version which will include a fix for the topic's problem from megadrum644_56_20110716_timekeeper3 and the fix for a bug I found.

God bless you man!
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Re: NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Con

Postby dmitri » Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:16 pm

I've now published a new, 20110717, firmware version which includes both fixes.
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Strange problem with newer 2 midi port pic firmware

Postby ignotus » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:30 pm


I updated my pic firmware with the new one that gives you 2 midi ports and this strange problem has emerged:

I hit a pad, let's say the snare. Then I hit a different pad (kick, for instance) a number of times, and hit no. 1 triggers a snare note, while hit no. 2 and subsequent hits trigger the correct note (kick). If I then I hit the hi-hat, hit no. 1 triggers the kick note and then the rest the hi-hat. It's as if an extra note or 2 (if I restart MD, sometimes it's 2) were left in the pipeline and then triggered with the next pad.

On a different note, I tried the latest firmware (20110717) and yeah, you guessed it - midi notes were reversed. I switched back to 20110625 and it went back to normal, so it's not so much of a problem, but I thought I'd let you know. When the first problem I describe above was combined with the huge latency caused by the reversed notes, I was ready to head-butt the wall...

When I can get access again to a pc with a serial port I'll program Synthex's old firmware on another pic and see what happens - I stupidly overwrote Synthex's with the new firmware instead of doing it on a separate chip just in case, but it looks like each individual chip has a mind of its own...
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Re: NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Con

Postby timekeeper » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:44 pm

dmitri wrote:I've now published a new, 20110717, firmware version which includes both fixes.

Dmitri, I have tested your new firmware thoroughly and I wasn't able to reproduce the problem. Thank you so much for all your efforts.

ignotus wrote:Hi,

I updated my pic firmware with the new one that gives you 2 midi ports and this strange problem has emerged:

I hit a pad, let's say the snare. Then I hit a different pad (kick, for instance) a number of times, and hit no. 1 triggers a snare note, while hit no. 2 and subsequent hits trigger the correct note (kick). If I then I hit the hi-hat, hit no. 1 triggers the kick note and then the rest the hi-hat. It's as if an extra note or 2 (if I restart MD, sometimes it's 2) were left in the pipeline and then triggered with the next pad.

On a different note, I tried the latest firmware (20110717) and yeah, you guessed it - midi notes were reversed. I switched back to 20110625 and it went back to normal, so it's not so much of a problem, but I thought I'd let you know. When the first problem I describe above was combined with the huge latency caused by the reversed notes, I was ready to head-butt the wall...

When I can get access again to a pc with a serial port I'll program Synthex's old firmware on another pic and see what happens - I stupidly overwrote Synthex's with the new firmware instead of doing it on a separate chip just in case, but it looks like each individual chip has a mind of its own...

The situation you describe in your first paragraph is caused by missing Note Off. Let's say you hit the snare. Because of the problem, only Note On is produced. Your next hit, produces Note Off (meaning that now your previous hit will be heard) and a Note On and so on... Which PIC do you have? I would also suggest the test firmwares found here viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1596&start=40
By the way, did you try to clear the midi buffer in your system? Reaper for example has an option in its preferences which resets all midi devices.

Also, are you sure that you tried the latest firmware? Cause, up to now, I see it's downloaded only once, which is me...
Last edited by timekeeper on Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Strange problem with newer 2 midi port pic firmware

Postby dmitri » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:57 pm

ignotus wrote:Hi,

I updated my pic firmware with the new one that gives you 2 midi ports and this strange problem has emerged:

I hit a pad, let's say the snare. Then I hit a different pad (kick, for instance) a number of times, and hit no. 1 triggers a snare note, while hit no. 2 and subsequent hits trigger the correct note (kick). If I then I hit the hi-hat, hit no. 1 triggers the kick note and then the rest the hi-hat. It's as if an extra note or 2 (if I restart MD, sometimes it's 2) were left in the pipeline and then triggered with the next pad.

On a different note, I tried the latest firmware (20110717) and yeah, you guessed it - midi notes were reversed. I switched back to 20110625 and it went back to normal, so it's not so much of a problem, but I thought I'd let you know. When the first problem I describe above was combined with the huge latency caused by the reversed notes, I was ready to head-butt the wall...

Please, make a video showing the problem with the latest firmware just as timekeeper did.

When I can get access again to a pc with a serial port I'll program Synthex's old firmware on another pic and see what happens - I stupidly overwrote Synthex's with the new firmware instead of doing it on a separate chip just in case, but it looks like each individual chip has a mind of its own...

Encrypted firmware updates with Synthex's firmware won't work and it is prone to random disconnection problems.
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Re: NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Con

Postby ignotus » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:32 pm

timekeeper wrote:Also, are you sure that you tried the latest firmware? Cause, up to now, I see it's downloaded only once, which is me...
:oops: Yep, I'd downloaded the 'previous version' by mistake - now notes aren't reversed and it's working fine!

Thanks to you both for your quick replies and suggestions!
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Re: NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Con

Postby timekeeper » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:18 pm

ignotus wrote:
timekeeper wrote:Also, are you sure that you tried the latest firmware? Cause, up to now, I see it's downloaded only once, which is me...
:oops: Yep, I'd downloaded the 'previous version' by mistake - now notes aren't reversed and it's working fine!

Thanks to you both for your quick replies and suggestions!

No problem man! Keep drumming!
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Re: NoteOn/NoteOff messages reversed when using AutoLoad Con

Postby Alworx » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:33 pm

I just updated to the new firmware and the problem is gone!

Thanks a lot Dimitri for the bugfix and Timekeeper for testing and assisting!
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