MIDI IN silences all Megadrum inputs

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MIDI IN silences all Megadrum inputs

Postby macca2004 » Sun Jul 31, 2011 8:27 am

Hi All,

Haven't been on here for a long time now. I've been playing my real drumkit and the electronic kit has been in the corner for a while.

I am building a new kit to start using them again and I bought another Megadrum of EBay (with Rotary encoders 644/20 which Dmitri built) so now I have two MDs!

All pads (snare/toms) are connected to a TD12 and a midi cable is connected to the new MD MIDI IN from the TD12 Midi OUT. All my cymbal are connected to the Megadrum and MIDI Thru is enabled. From here the MD feeds into my laptop thru USB. When the TD12 is turned on and midi connection is established the MD pads stop responding. there is no activity shown on the MD display. The MIDI thru is working as the TD12 pads are sent thru to the Laptop to Superior II. If I unplug the lead or turnoff the TD12 the MD starts responding again.

New MD is on latest firmware (20110719) and I have tried changing midi speed. TD12 will only work on USB+Midi as on other modes it says that communication is lost.

I have reset the new MD and reinstalled the firmware.

My other MD is on a pre protected bootloader firmware (The last one before positional sensing was implemented) and it works fine with the TD12 and MD hooked up together.

Not sure if this is a hardware or firmware fault.

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Re: MIDI IN silences all Megadrum inputs

Postby dmitri » Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:22 am

I just tested it with two MegaDrum boards and I couldn't reproduce the problem - MIDI was coming through from both boards.
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Re: MIDI IN silences all Megadrum inputs

Postby macca2004 » Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:55 am

Midi is working it's the inputs themselves that stop responding.. If I strike any if the pads hooked directly into the MD they don't register as being struck on the display and remain silent.

It works fine on my older MD as well, so I'm presuming it could be a hardware problem. And there isn't any other options to change in the firmware to check midi communication.

I'm useless with electronics (which is why I bought prebuilt)


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Re: MIDI IN silences all Megadrum inputs

Postby dmitri » Sun Jul 31, 2011 8:24 pm

It's almost impossible for me to catch a bug without being able to reproduce it.
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Re: MIDI IN silences all Megadrum inputs

Postby macca2004 » Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:11 pm

Ok no probes.. I just thought you missed my point that pads were no longer responsive when midi in was activated.
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