Help with Dual Zone Cymbals Roland CY-8 and CY-5

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Help with Dual Zone Cymbals Roland CY-8 and CY-5

Postby dillan.k » Tue Aug 16, 2011 11:55 am


I just finished building my megadrum and have been at the settings for about a week now, I just cant get the cymbals I'm using to work. The problem is with the CY-5 I'm using as a hi hat and two CY-8's I'm using for crashes. I can't seem to get dual zones out of any of them so I think there is a common problem. I've been through the documentation thoroughly and when I try set them up I can only seem to get edge hits, even if I hit the top of the cymbal (where the switch shouldnt be activated). I've done the input wiring exactly as in the manual for the latest kits that are being sold.

I set up the CY-5 exactly as in this thread (page2) but still the same results, I cant get different zones, only edge when I hit the cymbal, the vu meter on the bottom row is moving. When MIDI-OX is loaded, and I gently hit the edge of the cymbal it streams about 40 or so aftertouch messages.

When the settings were at default so the cymbals would have been set to dual head: No and "piezo type", the vu meter on the top and bottom respond when I hit the cymbals, but its extremely random (I understand they havent been setup) but if the edge switch is not activated there should be no edge respnse at all right?

One more strange thing I noticed is that the moment I select "type: switch" from the menu, the cymbal for that input starts making a high pitched noise, sort of like a buzzing. Its definitely coming from the pad, probably from the piezo?

If anyone has any info on this it would help me A LOT

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Re: Help with Dual Zone Cymbals Roland CY-8 and CY-5

Postby dmitri » Tue Aug 16, 2011 12:22 pm ... one-cymbal
Omit steps required for the third (Bell) zone.
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Re: Help with Dual Zone Cymbals Roland CY-8 and CY-5

Postby dmitri » Tue Aug 16, 2011 12:24 pm

Buzzing sound from the cymbal's piezo may indicate you didn't wire input jacks correctly.
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Re: Help with Dual Zone Cymbals Roland CY-8 and CY-5

Postby dillan.k » Wed Aug 17, 2011 2:31 pm

Hi Dmitri

Thanks for the reply. From what you said in the last post I decided to reverse the Tip and Ring of one of the the cymbal inputs, and when I turned on the megadrum and set it up it seemed to work as it should, no buzzing from the piezo either, I am even getting the right aftertouch messages now in midi-ox. So the wiring was just the other way around.

What I dont understand is that in the manual you provide with the kits being sold at the moment show the tip being wired to the edge/rim of the pad and the ring being wired to the head/bow of the pad, when infact the cymbals should be wired the other way around, well at least the roland CY-8 and CY-5 do. In the synthex kits the wiring diagram is shown to be ring to edge/rim and tip to head/bow, also if I am not mistaken the roland pad (pd-125 etc) have this wiring aswell (ring > edge/rim and tip > head/bow). Although in my current megadrum the wiring is the one shown in the manual and the snare, tom etc were already triggering the rights channels upon starting megadrum. It is only the cymbal inputs where I had to reverse the tip and the ring input.

Have I missed something in the manual or is it just the Roland CY-8 and CY-5 that apply to this?
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Re: Help with Dual Zone Cymbals Roland CY-8 and CY-5

Postby dmitri » Wed Aug 17, 2011 2:44 pm

It's a mistake in "The example of wiring input jacks to the Pads connector 1". The wiring must be done according to the "4.7. Pads connectors" table in the Manual PDF. I will correct it. Thanks for pointing out!
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