Midi over usb note lag bug

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Midi over usb note lag bug

Postby dillan.k » Thu Sep 22, 2011 6:44 am

I’m experiencing the lag that occurs when I hit another pad it plays the note of the previous hit pad. I confirmed this is the problem in midi ox. I understand this was fixed a while ago but I am using the latest firmware 20110910.

I’m having a hard time pin pointing when the issue occurs. This was happening with the last firmware as well. After I updated to the latest, if I load the default settings it seems to play fine (no settings have been touched). If I go to put in all of my own settings using the menu and then save them the lag occurs. If I load the default again its fine, then load slot 1 the issue is there. I’ve left everything the same including midi+usb except the pad settings.

One other thing I'm just wondering about is that in every program Megadrum is is seen as two devices:
USB Audio Device
USB Audio Device [2]

Do I leave both of them active?

I've reinstalled the driver and also reinstalled windows, it still comes up as 2 devices and the lag issue is still there.
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Re: Midi over usb note lag bug

Postby zenoise » Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:07 am

hi, it seems to be an initialization problem so you should be able to avoid it by turning off and on the unit when it happens (at least that worked for me).

anyway, i'm having the same problem (it happens just every once in a while since i upgraded the firmware), but i have also discovered that i must have some input wiring problem. I don't know if it might be related, but i'm fixing it today (as i finally have the time to) so i guess i'm going to be able to report if the problem disappears completely.

edit: have you lowered the latency setting? it worsened the problem for me.
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Re: Midi over usb note lag bug

Postby dmitri » Thu Sep 22, 2011 9:08 am

dillan.k wrote:If I go to put in all of my own settings using the menu and then save them the lag occurs.

Does it happen every time, every second time ... one in 10 times?
One other thing I'm just wondering about is that in every program Megadrum is is seen as two devices:
USB Audio Device
USB Audio Device [2]

Do I leave both of them active?

I've reinstalled the driver and also reinstalled windows, it still comes up as 2 devices and the lag issue is still there.

These two devices are there for a reason. From viewtopic.php?f=3&t=702 :

Updated on 20/02/2011 with versions which support 2 MIDI interfaces. With 2 MIDI interfaces it is possible to use one to configure MegaDrum and another to be used by any MIDI software.
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Re: Midi over usb note lag bug

Postby dillan.k » Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:33 pm

Thanks for the reply zenoise I guess its good to hear I'm not the only one having this problem.

It seems like a letency issue aswell, not only is the note lagged but everything is playing about 1 sec later.

Thanks for clearing up the 2 device display dmitri. The lag issue happens everytime now. This problem seemed to have slowly occured as my megadrum worked fine for about a week and then I remember playing once after I turned it on and after about 1min the lag kicked in, kept on doing this, now its always there. Could it be anything internal? Im using the latest board you are selling (with atmega64) and there seems to be no shorts anywhere. Is there anything else to check?

I don't see how input wiring would affect this in regards to zenoise but definitely report back if the problem goes away after that and I will go back and check mine.
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Re: Midi over usb note lag bug

Postby dmitri » Thu Sep 22, 2011 6:19 pm

Can you record a video showing the problem with MIDI-OX or MDM MIDI log window?
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Re: Midi over usb note lag bug

Postby dillan.k » Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:58 am

Hi dmitri I recorded a video, sorry about the quality I only have a cellphone camera. Something else has come up now the Megadrum is responding more erratic, the lag seems to be there but now the notes are all over the place when I hit just one pad. Again when I load the default settings it plays fine, then when I TRY to load slot 1 (now it comes up with No when I push the right button) the problems occur.


I opened it up again, checked for shorts or breaks but still can't find anything.
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Re: Midi over usb note lag bug

Postby dmitri » Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:52 pm

dillan.k wrote:then when I TRY to load slot 1 (now it comes up with No when I push the right button) the problems occur.

It seems the settings in slot 1 are not correct or corrupted.
Are you sure the config in slot 1 was saved with the same MaxInputs number as the MaxInputs number when you try to load from slot 1?
Can you do configuration from scratch (starting with defaults) and then save the new config in slot 1? Make sure MaxInputs is the same when you save and load configs.
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Re: Midi over usb note lag bug

Postby dillan.k » Sat Sep 24, 2011 1:48 am

I set everything back to default, set the max inputs to 32, made adjustments to notes thresholds etc, then saved in slot one. When I started up the drum software the lag was there, its sounds exactly the same as zenoise described in his last thread. I hit a pad then hit another pad about 2-3 times and I get the previous pad sound. If I continue to play it feels as if the problem is taken further as I hear other pad notes come into play, it also feels like there is a lot of latency.

I did turn it off and on, made sure the maxinputs were 32 then loaded slot 1 and still get the same response.
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Re: Midi over usb note lag bug

Postby dmitri » Sat Sep 24, 2011 12:45 pm

At this stage I can only suggest to send the board back to me for me to look at it.
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Re: Midi over usb note lag bug

Postby dillan.k » Sun Sep 25, 2011 11:43 am

Okay I'll try everything else I can think of over the next few days then let you know if I will be sending it back.
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