New Memember Build

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Re: New Memember Build

Postby NovaKaine » Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:38 am

Questions my friend.
I am ordering parts as per your list.
Is the IC6 24LC256 the Arduino PHI-2 Shield By John Liu (aka liudr) - Kit?
And the C12 1u is this a power inductor?
I assume you can wire the lcd to the board without the Arduino, but what about the keyboard assembly?
More questions to follow I'm sure.
Thanks for all your help.
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Re: New Memember Build

Postby NovaKaine » Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:42 am

Another question are you not using the midi and led connections on this board?
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Re: New Memember Build

Postby sbonasuk » Wed Jan 04, 2012 2:24 pm

I can only answer these questions with the limited amount of knowledge I have, Dimitri should really be consulted. What you must consider is something I learnt very quickly only ask this forum questions, that you have attempted to answer yourself through reading the posts or other reference material and then failed. It's a good philosophy


IC6 I believe is part of the MIDI input/output, it may contain some or many of the components of the PH1-2 Shield but as far as I'm aware is not the same thing.

C12 is a cap L1 an inductor

You hard-wire the lcd from the 16 pins on the right of the ATMEGA to the 16 pins on the left of the LCD. I have adjusted the pins so you can use a 16 pin (2 x 8 socket). If you use male and female pin headers the LCD is removeable. The pcb mounted keyboard is hard wired from the 4 pin connector (CN2) to the 4 pins at the base of the 4 push buttons. The rotary encoders from CN1 to a breadboard with two encoders soldered on. No arduino is required even though megadrum looks like a clever adaption of an arduino board.

The LED is the far left component on the pcb

MIDI ports are not required in my build due to the board being connected to a PC via the USB

All of the component parts of the SMT version of the 56i are kept. the MIDI socket, USB on board, Keyboard on board, Rotary encoder socket, LCD on Board, LED on board, power switch socket, its up to you what you leave off, but the only thing I think that can be omitted are the midi ports, the rest will be needed at some point.
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Re: New Memember Build

Postby NovaKaine » Thu Jan 05, 2012 12:25 am

Thanks again I was just a bit confused.
I have built several version of the megadrum before so I have some knowledge.
I just wanted to make sure I grasped the concept of your build.
I find your pcb to quite a superior and interesting take on Dmitri's design.
I look forward to completing it.
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Re: New Memember Build

Postby sbonasuk » Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:06 pm

That's very kind,

So here is my PCB fresh from the Sodium Persulphate and then cleaned. The 1mm drills bits I have are too big and I have ordered some 0.8mm, so holes will have to wait a day or two, However I should have it populated and ready to switch on soon. (Yes I know the LCD is on the wrong side I just wanted you to get an idea of scale). #"I hear the sound of distant drums far away, far away ".
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Re: New Memember Build

Postby sbonasuk » Thu Jun 21, 2012 10:13 pm

After completing the the build and it working sucessfully, the flaws in the design showed that making it was a little unwieldy due to the size of the pcb. I decided then to rework the pcb into 4 serparate pieces main board, multiplexer, screen and keyboard.

This makes it easier to build from scratch, and as most of my time has been in teaching myself, how to make a pcb. the smaller the board the easier to get right. So some photos of the build, remember this is a rework of Dmitri's through the hole single sided 56i.

I will if anyone is interested publish the kicad files, however the plot file for the main boards is here as a pdf. Also one of the big posts on the forum is the programming of the PIC, I will supply images in another post of a simple pic programmer that works.

Anyway the new rework of the pcb's work, but I have one problem, Dmitri please have a look at the pcb pdf. The two output posts 15 and 16 on the ground track between C1 and C11 if I connect the ground of a piezo and the live to any other post a constant stream of midi signals emits like a machine gun. The way to stop it it to put the ground the other side of C11. Any ideas.

The megadrum works like a dream, all I have to do now is to convert the drums and cymbals to finish the project,
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Re: New Memember Build

Postby sbonasuk » Thu Jun 21, 2012 10:14 pm

The PCB pdf
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Re: New Memember Build

Postby sbonasuk » Thu Jun 21, 2012 10:16 pm

Forgot tyhe 4 picture max
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Re: New Memember Build

Postby dmitri » Thu Jun 21, 2012 11:21 pm

sbonasuk wrote:Anyway the new rework of the pcb's work, but I have one problem, Dmitri please have a look at the pcb pdf. The two output posts 15 and 16 on the ground track between C1 and C11 if I connect the ground of a piezo and the live to any other post a constant stream of midi signals emits like a machine gun. The way to stop it it to put the ground the other side of C11. Any ideas.

Piezos don't really have ground or signal wires. A piezo should work almost identically regardless in what "polarity" you connect it to MegaDrum. So either you have a grounding issue or a problem with your piezo. Having said this I must admit I haven't looked at the pdf - with all the orders and programming I'm doing at present I hardly have any spare time left so I cannot look into your design right now with a level of details you could trust.
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Re: New Memember Build

Postby sbonasuk » Thu Jun 21, 2012 11:31 pm

Thanks Dmitri

Fully understand the polarity on the piezo lets just say red wire to output post and black wire to ground, but with you on the grounding issue, on your layout there are two ground returns from analogue to digital boards, is it possible to have not enough ground is you understand the silly metaphor. But I have put a meter across the 15 and 16 posts,and power but "0" volts, perhaps C11 is leaking. I would appreciate you sparing me the time, thanks
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