what if set minscan too high / ps with negative halfwave

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what if set minscan too high / ps with negative halfwave

Postby talrusher » Sun Jan 29, 2012 3:58 pm


what happens if i set minscan too high?

why is the positional sensing running with negative first halfwave on my drum?
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Re: what if set minscan too high / ps with negative halfwave

Postby dmitri » Sun Jan 29, 2012 4:13 pm

talrusher wrote:hi,

what happens if i set minscan too high?

It will increase latency.

why is the positional sensing running with negative first halfwave on my drum?

If it really works I can only suspect that the waveform of the second (positive) half wave still depends on positions of hits. Or the first half wave is in fact positive.
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Re: what if set minscan too high / ps with negative halfwave

Postby talrusher » Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:32 pm

if i set minscan higher, then the range of the ps is smaller. why?
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Re: what if set minscan too high / ps with negative halfwave

Postby dmitri » Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:56 pm

talrusher wrote:if i set minscan higher, then the range of the ps is smaller. why?

I don't know, really.
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