3-way triggering rides

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

3-way triggering rides

Postby elrules » Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:12 pm

Hi, I was wondering if megadrum can handle the 3-way triggering rides Roland sells. I mean, the Roland CY-15r.

The way they work is one piezo and two switches. They have two jack outputs. One for bow(piezo)/edge(switch), and one for bow(same piezo)/bell(switch). When you hit the bow, the same voltage is sent through the two jack outputs.
Does the megadrum mess with this? Can crosstalk cancel affect negatively to this behavior?

I know you can configure two different inputs to have the same MIDI note number (for the bow hit), but the doubt I have is that, if trizone rides work well..

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Re: 3-way triggering rides

Postby dmitri » Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:43 pm

To add support for 3-zone pads/cymbals I need to have one of them. Sadly I haven't got such pads/cymbals at present.
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Re: 3-way triggering rides

Postby elrules » Thu Mar 27, 2008 1:03 pm

Roland 3-way triggering can be activated on TD-20, TD-12, TD-10exp modules.

I have a Roland Td-6, which does not have this feature. What Roland says to td-6 (or td-3) users for being able to use a trizone ride with these modules is:
- Connect the two jacks of the ride to two inputs of the module (for example Ride and Crash2)
- Assign "No sound" to sound of one of the bow inputs.

By doing this, when you hit the bow of the ride, the bow sound of Ride input sounds, but the bow sound of Crash2 input doesn't sound. If you have not assigned "No sound" to Crash2 input, then two sounds would play at the same time.

I think you can test this feature by simply connecting the same piezo to two inputs and then tap it to see if megadrum sends two midi note numbers at the same time (this test should be done with common xtalk cancel settings to see how it works)

I think that if megadrum sends two notes at the (nearly) same time you can emulate the 3way triggering in a similar way than the roland td6 users must do, I mean: assigning different note numbers to "Head" on both inputs and only assigning one of them to a sound in the software sampler.

Could this be possible?
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Re: 3-way triggering rides

Postby dmitri » Thu Mar 27, 2008 1:23 pm

I don't have either TD-6 or TD-12 and I don't have 3-zone cymbal. In theory it is doable with MegaDrum, but without actual gear I'm not able to develop towards support of this gear. I'll be wasting too much time asking people if it works or not.
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Re: 3-way triggering rides

Postby dcho » Fri Mar 28, 2008 4:00 am

perhaps we should support a bit for this project. actually, to be honest, I'm perfectly just fine with dual-zone triggering for cymbals. but if you guys really want it, why not donate some money for a 3-way triggering cymbal so that dmitri can work on it? just my thoughts.
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Re: 3-way triggering rides

Postby elrules » Fri Mar 28, 2008 11:38 am

I could make a DIY trizone cymbal for him. That would be cheaper. And my cymbals work better than Roland ones. I have been able to test it! ;)
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Re: 3-way triggering rides

Postby dmitri » Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:55 pm

If you're disparate to have 3-zone cymbals supported in MegaDrum, then yes, send one and I'll do my best.
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Re: 3-way triggering rides

Postby Beamtreetaker » Fri Mar 28, 2008 6:46 pm

@elrules: How did you build that 3 zone cymbal? Is it choke capable?
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Re: 3-way triggering rides

Postby elrules » Fri Mar 28, 2008 6:50 pm

Yes. It is chokable.

I did it with a Stagg practice cymbal and some other parts. I am preparing a tutorial (in Spanish but with illustrative photos) for another drum forum. When I have finished I will leave here a link to it.
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Re: 3-way triggering rides

Postby Beamtreetaker » Fri Mar 28, 2008 7:43 pm

That would be fantastic! :)
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