Sample pad with different MIDI-notes

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Sample pad with different MIDI-notes

Postby drummertobi » Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:34 pm

Hi MEGA-Drum comunity.

I tried to build up a MD-sample pad with 11 pads. The plan is to connect the pad via midi to my TD-12 Roland module to play percussion sounds. See picture (I can post more pictures if everything works):

A huge problem I have is that I receive not the sound (midi notes) I expect. I connect the MD also to MIDI-OX (software) and there I also receive different midi notes.

First I set all the midi notes in my MD to “1” by using MD- Manger
For the selected pad (single-pad) I set the note to “7”

If I hit the piezo at the part inside (silver) I receive note “7” in MIDI-OX
If I hit the piezo at the part outside (golden ring) I receive note “1” in MIDI-OX
If I hit on the rim on my wooden pad (by using a drum stick) I receive note “33” in MIDI-OX?

I think it’s not because of the crosstalk settings because this happens also with a piezo witch is not on the board. I released one piezo and there I have the same problem.

Is it because of wrong soldering? The two pads on the right side (bottom) are configured as Rim and Head in MD. But in the MD-Manager one Pad has note “7” and the other has note “8”. By hitting the part inside I receive note “7” and “8” and by hitting the silver piezo ring I receive note “1”. So the two pads are separate.

Where is the Problem? Could anybody help me? Thank you. Tobias.
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Re: Sample pad with different MIDI-notes

Postby dmitri » Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:35 pm

Start with connecting one pad/piezo at a time.
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