(small) hi-hat latency

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(small) hi-hat latency

Postby zenoise » Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:08 am

I have a megadrum hooked up to a macbook's usb port playing trough addictive drums in garageband.

I've recently noticed that hihat strokes have a little added latency when compared to other pads. It's subtle, and i notice only if i play quite fast on the hihat.

I'm using cc messages, i've set up md so it sends out the same note regardless of pedal position and addictive drums listen to cc messages to play the correct sound (it's the correct way to do this, right?).
HH controller levels looks ok, the module is not sending tons of cc message (at least by looking at the midi log in mdm).

It's not a big deal, but i was wondering who is introducing that extra latency on hihat strokes. Megadrum? audio card? software? All of them?

I'm also asking this because im planning to buy an external usb sound card (not for this reason) so i'm wondering if it's likely to improve the situation.

Bonus question (for when i'll have such usb audio interface):

How is it best to connect md to my laptop?

option A:


option B:


I'm thinking option A is going to introduce some additional (perhaps unnoticeable?) latency, but on the other hand option b means both devices sharing a single (u.s.)bus. Which one is best?

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Re: (small) hi-hat latency

Postby dmitri » Tue Jun 12, 2012 2:38 pm

My suspicion is that addictive drums adds a delay trying to interpret pedal's CC messages.
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Re: (small) hi-hat latency

Postby zenoise » Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:48 pm

so, if the module is not guilty here, a proper sound interface (instead of the cheap integrated one) should help, right?
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Re: (small) hi-hat latency

Postby dmitri » Tue Jun 12, 2012 6:24 pm

If it is addictive drums which introduces a delay then another sound board will not address this particular problems but may reduce the overall latency.
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Re: (small) hi-hat latency

Postby dmitri » Tue Jun 12, 2012 6:26 pm

You can test the addictive drum/CC theory by disabling HiHat pedal CC in MegaDrum - set the pedal type to Pot.
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Re: (small) hi-hat latency

Postby angr77 » Wed Jun 13, 2012 3:33 pm

You could also test to set the cc reduction level to 1-3 and see if Addictive Drums reacts faster. Sometimes all pedal info just stals AD. I think you have configured AD right and by letting AD decide which samples based on only bow/edge and pedal values. Tips: You have a small button with a down arrow in AD in the mappings dialog for the hihat settings. (It is located next to where you see the pedal value - closed - A_B_C_D Open) You will by clicking on the button select if cc should react on values 32 or 90...test for yourself...My hihat Roland VH-11 became very nice when selecting cc: 90.

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Re: (small) hi-hat latency

Postby everson » Wed Jun 13, 2012 6:35 pm

Slightly offtopic, but there are so much better plugins and samples than AD.
There`s a good list of acoustic drum samples, with lots of free drumkit samples, and I encourage everybody to try out something else beside AD, SD, BFD, ...
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Re: (small) hi-hat latency

Postby airflamesred » Wed Jun 13, 2012 7:49 pm

Thanks for that everson.

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